Sunday, September 9, 2012

No Bullshit Zine Printed Issues (Present - Past)

No Bullshit Zine Is an ANTI-COPYRIGHT xxx666xxx!!! NO FUCKING RIGHTS RESERVED!!! so if you have printer at home, you can re-print it, xerox it and distro it in your place or just keep it for your own collection.

Issue # 12
Interviews with: Amaranhig, Shamans Bud, Rivothrill, Rapist, Usul, Ataul

Download PDF here

Issue # 11 Split with Chronicore Zine # 7

Interviews with: Ohmsapien, The Third Inferno (US), Deathevoker (Malaysia) and Ink and Pus
on Chronicore side: Toxemia, Eargazm Zine, I am Molotov Zine, Eating Shit, Tripalium Zine, In Dark Purity Zine, Konspira Zine, Youth For Crust

click the fuck HERE to download

Issue # 10

Interviews with: Brimstone In Fire, Delusion Of Terror Records, Surrogate Prey, Incapacitate, PaganFire, Rabies, Isvarah, Mass Hypnosia, The Way Of Purity (USA), Nuclear Punishment 

click the fuck HERE to download

Issue # 9

Interviews with: Nervecell(Dubai), Dylathleen(France), Impact Drill Zine(Turkey), Demonic Ressurection(India), Through Sunken Eyes(Bahrain), 3rd Room(Italy), Forsaken(Brazil), Noise Forest(Germany), AAARGHH(Indonesia) 

click the fuck HERE to download

Issue #8

click the fuck HERE to download 

Issue #7

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Issue

click the fuck HERE to download  

  Issue #6

Interviews with: Anto Decrusted, Lincoln Love Log(USA), Coup De Grace, DOWN FROM THE WOUND, Gayang Kulitangan Revolt(Malaysia), Creative Waste(Saudi Arabia), Ex Nihilo, Anus De Satanus, Phlegm Thrower, Vic Jarlego

Issue #5

Interviews with: Blasphemous Cremation, Desensetised(Netherlands), Dimentianon(USA), Eudoxia, Funerus(USA), Alexander of In Dark Purity Zine, Insanity, Man Denied Women Delayed, Lito of Noise Attack Zine, Painful Reality(USA), Pathogen (PH), Putrefied Genitalia(Greece), Rotten Cold(Austria), Trendcrusher Zine

Issue #4

Interviews with: A.D.A. ( Aggressive Dog Attack ), Blood Bastard(Netherlands), Carnal Redemption(Greece), Disciples Of Darkness(Holland), Damnation Army(Canada), Half the Battle, Inhumate(France), Keith Of Eternal Darkness Creation(USA), Terminal (USA), Opus Dead(Spain), Seraphim Slaughter(USA), Skull Grinder(USA)

Issue #3

Interviews with: Condemned, Demiurge, Einstein Chakrass, Eskapo, Hatemail, Morbid Soul Music and Cult Zine(USA), Nuestros Derechos(Netherland), Religious Nightmare

Issue #2

Interviews with: Decadencia, 15 Minutes Of Shame, Impaled Zine

Band Bio: A.F.M, Toxemia(PH), Neighbors

  Issue # 1

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