Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Interview with Fecal Corpse


Interviewed by Patrick Schroeder

interview with ed rankin vocalist for for fecal corpse................done by patrick s.

1.hails!! whats up my friend of brutality? please tell the readers a little about yourself?
Hailz patrick, i'm ed, vocalizer for Fecal Corpse, i'm a total drunk, death metal mongoloid. what age did you discover metal? was it long until you discovered the underground?
I was pretty much born and raised on metal, grew up listening to Sabbath and Maiden, Dio, Richie Blackmore, shit like that. I got into the "underground" I was probably around 10, listening to bands like Cannibal Corpse and Deicide, that was my first "real" introduction into the underground. long has fecal corpse been together? what releases/merchandise do you all have availible to the readers who might be interested? for the unlucky souls who have not had a chance to hear fecal corpse how would you describe the bands music?
Wow, way to throw a shitload of questions together, ey? Haha. Well, Fecal Corpse was started by me, in 2000, I then aquired Mike Connors (Ex-Dislimb) on drums and we started playing shows. Went through a lot of line-up changes in the last, and this line-up has been together since Jan '05. As far as releases, all our previous efforts are sold out/out of print, we do have a promo available for free download from our website, and merch, well, we're kings of really whacky shirts, kids have been suspended from high school for wearing our t-shirts, so yeah, check out our merch. As far as our sound, well, people say they definitely hear a broken hope influence, which fucking rules cause broken hope are gods. Aside from that, I'd say take old school death metal, mix it with some brutal blasting death metal, throw some breakdowns in it, put it in a blender and you have us.

4.does the band get to play live very much? who are some bands you've played with? if you could set up a dream show/tour who are some bands you would give your left testical to play with?
We play live more than we should, half our time is spent playing live, which sucks when trying to write new material. Some of the bands we've played with: XXX Maniak, Incantaion, Circle of Dead Children, Exhumed, Impaled, Mortician, Dying Fetus, Misery Index. Setting up a dream tour, I really don't know, I'd say i'd have to bring back Broken Hope and Carcass, and throw us on there. That'd be fucking sweet. Give my right nut to play with? Obviously Broken Hope, swamped in gore era. That'd be godly.

5.i enjoy reading/studying serial killers/true crime books,documentries my spare time do you find this interesting at all? in your view do you believe people are born "evil" or does it happen over a period of ones life?
Funny that you mention that, I've got a total obsession with Jack the Ripper, got many books on the killings, seen so many movies on the situation, especially like 50's era movies, those are the best. I actually don't think of being born "evil" and I don't really look at things in a difference of "good" and "evil" because even still those things are based upon ideas that are instilled into us from the day of our birth, when people tell you this is "right" or "wrong", if we lived in a different kind of a society, it'd be different meanings, but I could go on forever, so I'll shut up now. have some great and brutal death i was curious how long have you been singing for? do you anything to keep your voice and throat healthy?
I actually started singing in my first band, which was a death metal band when I was roughly 12/13 years old, which was definitely fun. Thanks on the comment to, I think my vocals suck, but hey, everyone has their own flaws. And I really don't keep my voice healthy at all, I'm horrible to it, I smoke, I drink, I'm always yelling and shit, I abuse the fuck outta my voice, I guess that's what makes it sound the way it does. your opinion what is the best and worst thing about the underground? and what does the term "metal underground mean to you?
I've actually lost a lot of faith in the "underground" there's a lot of just lack of respect and scumbaggish behavior. I've still got my friends here and there and they know who they are. I just take things as they come now. The thing probably destroying the underground is lack of support for other bands from bands. For example, a band can be playing a show and they may be first, they'll play and leave, or they'll be playing last, and show up before their set, now given, hey, people have lives, but support as much as you can.

8.i believe i read on the bands web-site you all have a new full-length cd coming soon.right? how many songs will be on there? any idea which label will release it or will it be self-released?
Yeah, technically this is our first full length, and technically our "debut" cd. It's going to be released on Redrum Records (Will Rahmer of Mortician). It will be 11 tracks total. That will be available at the end of September. We're recording with Roger Beaujard (Mortician) and the artwork and layout is being done by Lou Rusconi. We also have a split cd coming out in October with our brothers in NY, Debellation, that'll be released on Malicious Intent Records.

9.when not doing band releated stuff what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy spending a lot of time getting really fucking drunk, hanging out with my buds and my girlfriend, playing pool, reading, getting tattooed and trying to figure out the "brown noise"

10.well ed thanks a million for taking the time to fill this you have any final thoughts before we end the interview?
Thanks again, Patrick for the interview, cheers bro! Thanks to all those reading it and those who support us in any way shape or form. For any other info check our sites


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