Thursday, May 11, 2023

Interview with Patrick of Painful Reality Zine


Interviewed by: Corix Baluca

NO BULLSHIT: Hails to you my brother Patrick, how are you doing? And pls. Tell the whole fucking world who you are? And what is your zine deals all about?
PAINFUL REALITY ZINE [PATRICK]: HAILS! I am doing fine, just busy as usual with work plus finding time to work on the zine. The zine is my way to support the u.g band, labels, zines out there who deserve it, I cover mainly brutal death, black metal, black/death metal, some atmospheric metal and doom.

NB: What was the first thing that comes on your mind to write a zine? Writing zine is not easy and pain in the pocket, because zines are non-profit, who and what fanzines inspires you that much?
PATRICK: I first doing interviews with Andrew Parrish old zine �Metal Union� [R.I.P] and one day Andrew offered to help me with layout of a zine if I was interested, so I took him up on the offer and Painful Reality was born. You are right, zines are very hard to complete finding time to sit down and write good interview/review.

NB: Are you already into metal when you were just a kid or in your teenage life? How bout hardcore/punk? Glam rock? Heavy metal? Do you listen to that shit in your teenage days?
PATRICK: I can remember always being into music. when I was a kid, it was glam rock then bands like Slayer, Testament, Iron Maiden, etc. then when I was 16 I heard Obituary, and Malevolent Creation and it was love at first listen, total violence and brutality.

NB: Do you still remember who is the first underground metal band that you really hail when you first discovered the underground? And how old are you when you first start the underground by the way?
PATRICK: The first two [bought the same day] was Obituary �Cause of Death, Malevolent Creation � Retribution. I think the first demo was Decrepit.

NB: What can you say about webzines that are scattered in the fucking net? Do you think webzines is an act of going to be mainstream? What are your opinion about webzines? Why you don�t put your zine online? Do you hate webzines? Or, is there any webzines that you like?
PATRICK: To be totally honest, I am not familiar with to many webzines, if anyone reading this one, send me a link and address and will check it out.

NB: What gives you headache on running a zine? Have you encountered any problem since you first start writing? And if there is a reason that would make you to stop writing, what would it be?
PATRICK: So far, the only headache is lack of time and money but all zine editor�s deal with this. The only thing I see making me stop would be no money, losing my job etc. other than this, I think Andrew and myself will be doing zines for a long time to come.

NB: If the mainstream magazine and bands are all they want is to become popular and famous, what is really your goal in writing an underground publication? We all know that there is no money in here, Could you tell me your opinion and thoughts in this so that other people may find offensive?
PATRICK: My goal for the zine is to support the people who truly deserve it. I usually print 100-150 copies of the zine, I don�t want to be huge with glossy color pages go to your local news stand for those my zine is for the few, the true, the underground elite.

NB: You said about the split zine that you are working rightnow with Andrew�s Cult zine? When�s gonna be comin� out? Is this really strictly for Death/Thrash and Black hordes for interviews and reviews? �cuz I know Andrew is an elite metal.
PATRICK: Ah yes, this is yet another project, Andrew and myself are working on. It will be around 80 to 100 pages of metal!! Madness. Rightnow, we�re not setting a release date but I promise it will be worth the wait, also we decided to call the zine MORBID REALITY.

NB: Rip-offs are scattered everywhere, have you encountered being ripped-off in zine and tape trading? Who are those countries in your rip-off list?
PATRICK: Actually I have been extremely lucky, I don�t think I�ve gotten ripped off in any zine trades yet, I have sent the zine to a few labels/bands but never heard back.

NB: I know you don�t drink and smoke, what do you love to do in your free time besides listening metal music and writing a zine? Do you have any band before? What kind of sports do you like? Do you watch professional wrestling? Could you pls. Share your recent stuff you like besides metal?
PATRICK: My spare time? When not working, sleeping or zine stuff, I love reading, movies [suspense, horror/gore] taking walks, not much else, I�m pretty boring guy, haha!

NB: Gave me five of your favorite bands that spins your cd player regularly?
PATRICK: I�m going to cheat and give my 5 favorites and my current favorites are: IMMORTAL, MARDUK, OBITUARY, CRYPTOPSY, MALEVOLENT CREATION and tons more�. And my 5 current favorites are CARNAL REDEMPTION, ESTUARY, ATROCITY, RIPHEAD, EXHUMED and tons more�..

NB: Top 5 favorite printed zine?
PATRICK: Oh damn man, this is a hard one�my 5 favorite printed are: CULT ZINE, CANADIAN ASSAULT ZINE, SEASON DECAY, UNHOLY TERROR, METALCORE..

NB: Top 5 webzine? If there�s any?
PATRICK: To be honest, the only two webzines I�ve ever check out are NO BULLSHIT WEBZINE and ETERNAL FROST WEBZINE [R.I.P] If a webzine editor is interested, drop me an e-mail with your address and I would be happy to check out your zine.

NB: Lastly, do you hail Satan or God?
PATRICK: I don�t really follow anyone or anything, I guess I am open minded or whatever people want to label me [I hate labels] I have known people who were Satanists, Atheists, Pagan and yes even few Christians, I try to judge a person by the person, not what �Higher Power� they worship. Hope this makes sense?

NB: Alright my friend, it�s time for the traditional thing, an ending part of the interview, you can say whatever you wanna say, this space is all yours! Horns up!
PATRICK: Thank you for sending the interview, I really enjoyed it, everyone feel free to write all letters answered!! Thanks again Corix

Painful reality zine info:

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