Thursday, May 11, 2023

Interview with The Way Of Purity

The Way Of Purity

Interviewed by: Corix

Hello Charly, how are you and the rest of the band? What’s on your cd player spinning while answering this?

- Hello Corix, I am fine thanx and I think that all the other members are fine as well. At the moment I am listening to Paradise Lost, the album is called Gothic...

Thank you that you accept my request for an interview, because I thought that you guys don’t accept interviews as your band profile says no way to get to know you and the band is fuckin’ Nothing. ?
-You are welcome. We accept all interviews but we select the ones that we want to do after having read the questions. When it's standard bullshit we throw it in the drain. When questions are about us or our concept, even if not so deep or precise, we answer. It's all about seeing an effort from the writer. Let's say that everyone has the chance to talk to us once, if we understand that it's bullshit we “close” every contact with that person.

But before anything, pls share your band bio, just a short one.
Well, we don't have a bio like all other bands. Our bio it's about our message. We have no names, no faces, no aircut, no piercing, no tattoos and we are part of a project existing for the only purpose of spreading a message. The Way Of Purity are a group of people who have come together with the common goal of taking action. Animal’s liberation from the anthropocentric lie is the push that made us move and we have taken the step of forming a music project with the specific purpose of changing this dirty anthropocentric world. We cannot do it alone, so music is a great way to meet people (in many ways) that could support our mission. We are just working to destroy humanity’s worse disease, that is called “specism”, as we consider it equal to Nazism. Then as “musicians” we have toured with great bands such as Negura Bunget, Gorgoroth, Belphegor and we released one album titled “Crosscore”. We are now in studio producing our second release that will be titled “Equate”. The concept is all about a plan made by all forces (Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Sun, Animals, The spirits of the very first humans appeared on this planet, lunar phases, and God) to re-balance the world and send humans down in the drain to leave space to nature and animals again.

Your music has a strong touch of Math Metal for me, would you consider? Who are the bands inspiration while writing and composing your music? Is “Crosscore” album your debut? Your female vocals kick damn asses, man!
- We listen to a lot of Math Rock bands like Don Caballero or Battles and experimental music like John Zorn/Naked City, the norwegian Shining (and why not the swedish one as well:-) so our influences may go in that direction somehow even if we are mainly inspired by different bands since we listen to the new wave masters like Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus and also The Cure...We also love The Pixies, Sonic Youth and Interpol. On the other hand we all come from the hardcore background and I could say that the other “side” of our music is inspired by bands like Neurosis, Converge, Botch. Our misic is a mixture of hardcore and new wave with some other influences like you said. Yes “Crosscore” is our debut album and was released in September 2010.

How’s the underground scene in Alaska? Is the DIY ethics alive there? And how about fanzines? Any fanzines in your place you can recommend to us?
-We don't know how is the scene in Alaska, not even in Norway, France, Uk ecc since we are totally out of these rules and dynamics. We are not part of any scene. We hate labels, boundaries, interests...That's why we think that we are lucky. We exist since march 2009 and after one year and half we started acting to much as a “normal band”: passing demos to the big labels, having our singer unmasked for being the image of the band...But then we released that this was not our way, not our thing so we decided to stop all this band shit and just concentrate on our music that has to be great to gather people and on our message. If we will find a “bigger” label that really want to support our message not trying to change us in a politically correct thing, maybe we'll consider the option of bringing our music to bigger audience but at the moment we prefer to stay with a small label and do and say what we really want to with no focus on sales, marketing or making them happy with good results because otherwise they will drop us. If we want to release an album or something it's just up to us, if we want to give it away for free, it's up to us...We are in fact thinking of a different “commercial” solution for “Equate”. We will probably create a “donation” system to invest money in some operations we want to do like creating funds to protect animals and to fight against the ones that exploit them. We will have to talk about it, but we ae getting there.

Alright, about your band statement on “speciesism”, for me, it’s easy to condemn speciesist when you are in the “first world” that has a high economy, but in the “third world” country like mine, I guess it is impossible to fight against speciesism here, because even DOG meat here were sold for individuals to survive for a living, you know what I mean? Yes, I believed “speciesism” is equal to “racism” and even “sexism” since I care animals too, some Philosopher said: “along with the fact that we live in a society where meat eating is accepted as the norm”, what can you say about that?
-Specism is the same thing everywhere. We know activists or members of the animal liberation front from EVERY country of the world, so I am happy to say that this philosopher just lied to you. People can survive with animal products like milk, eggs, cheese without killing the animal. There's no fucking reason to kill animals for proteins when you can keep the animals well, free, healthy and happy and they will offer you their products. Unfortunately the “third world” thing sounds like a very big lie to me because if people would rise animal and keep them well, they would have a lot of products to sell like cheese, milk, eggs, butter...The problem is that killing the animal is faster and easy. That's ignorance man, pure ignorance mixed with stupidity, and many other shitty things.

How ‘bout religion? For me religion is bullshit! What are your views about religion? Since some religious beliefs like Buddhism, Krishna and other Abrahamic religions etc. believes that the fate of human beings is like that of the animals.
-We are all the same, animals and humans are stuck on this planet because GOD wanted us to be here and demonstrate that we are loyal, intelligent, compassionate, honest, generous...Our vision of religion is that life is not a gift. Life is a challenge and the one, that we cannot name, watching us will deliver the final judgment based on the actions that we have done during life. Sounds like Christian, no! All religions are the same with the difference that our religion is pure with no hidden purpose. Killing animals, destroying the nature will only bring the hell here and after. Our god is mother nature and we absolutely disagree with ALL the organized religions and cults including christian church, satanism, buddism ecc ecc (everyone included) and whatever the hell. They all did NOTHING for the animals and nature so they will all burn in their own hell.

How long you are into vegetarianism? Do you guys smoke weed? And drink alcohol?
Some of us are vegetarians, some vegan since the maturity...I don't smoke weed and I don't drink alcohol, some of us drink beer sometimes. We are normal people man, we are fucking humans...We just are careful where we buy stuff from. I am vegetarian and I buy milk, eggs, cheese from the places where I can see the animals walking free around me. It takes time, money but that's how it should be. Nobody said that animals are not happy in offering us their “products” it is by all means necessary that you cut the wool from the ship, or take the milk away from her. We always say that we could live together because we feed them, they feed us in a wonderful and marvelous way. We protect them from cold, they will protect us. Why do we have to kill them?? Why do we have to put them in cages?? This is just ridiculous man. It's funny cause I read on a rumenian webzine or something like that “I don't think that Charly could be so big just eating vegetables”. Fuck this guy because I eat everything from animals (chees, milk, eggs, butter) I just: Chose the right place were to buy, I don't kill them cause the meat is 100% unnecessary even if you want to become big. It's not complicated, it's fucking easy. Then there's the “dog chapter” since you mentioned it. Humans will understand how wrong they have been about dogs. In a world were violence, crime, evil is growing and growing humans will understand soon that with one or two dogs in their houses they will be safe because, like all other animals, dogs will repay your love protecting you and your house. People are so stupid, instead of living together with animals for mutual benefit they threat them like slaves. I live in a place where thiefs got in all houses around me...the only ones they couldn't get in are the ones with dogs...Such a big surprise eh?? If someone try to get in to my house my black, 45 kilos dog will fucking shred you in pieces...Oh surprise!! Everything has a price, but when you pay the price (with dogs is just love they ask for) you will get something back that it's so amazing. Remember.

Where will your mission goes? Would you really destroy humanity for the sake of the animals?
Our mission is not to destroy humanity but to make humans think and see the truth that all scumbags that make money exploiting animals don't want to show. Destroying humanity is a lost war because humanity will destroy itself alone. Our war finally started because people are going to understand how dirty is humanity and how we are destroying our own kind exploiting other species. Of course if I see someone abusing an animal I will kill him. Of course if I have to chose, on a sinking boat to save an animal or a human, I will save the animal but that's just my opinion and the “evil” I am is my personal thing, and not extended to the band even if I am quite sure that the others would act like me.

Lastly, do you believe in God?

God is the nature. God is the earthquake. God is the Tzunami. God is the water. God is the wind. God is the animal world. Virus, diseases and everything devastating the useless race we are part of his cry, rage and desperation. God is something to big and strong and it's the only “thing” I fear.

Alright brother, thanx for answering this intie, I salute to your ideologies and belief. Feel free to say anything about your bands goal and mission.

Thanx goes to you for the space. I just want to say that everyone fighting like us, with us should get in touch. We need more warriors. We have the right knowledge and connections to make this war effective and useful, just let us know that you exist and we'll welcome you in our family. What we are looking for is justice, and yes, we dream about it every night.

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