Thursday, May 11, 2023

Interview with Rapist (2018)



By: Corix Baluca


Hails brothers! How are you and the rest of the band? What are you currently listening by the way?

INSVLTER –this is insvlter, salute to you brother. Listening to sarcofago, hellhammer, venom and some other major metal bands.

demoniakal: We are all busy with our own life and I am currently listening to hot legs by rod stewart.

Let's start things off traditionally, when and how did the band form? Just a short band bio

INSVLTER : we arose at the end of 2010 by the power of alcohol and hatred towards the dominating trendy shitty scene in our area.

We are all students at that time, demoniacal wrote our first composition “bestial annihilation” and “soldiers of hate”, then started to play every Saturday. This was the tracks included in the heretic supremacy split, our first demo.

band members were:

demoniacal- vocal

insvlter- guitars

sodomizer- drums

molestador- bass


How did you discover metal? And how you get involved in the underground?

INSVLTER -when I was a kid, my uncles used to play old music’s such as the songs of black Sabbath, rainbow, scorpions, uriahheep and other famous classic bands. In my high school days I discover metal thru listening to those stuffs and came to realize on the internet that it was metal. Hehe. We have a metal friend coordinating an underground production, and we became members on that prod., but that time there is no rapist yet, we were members before on different bands inside the production. Thru countless meetings and alcoholic sessions, demoniacal approach me to form something different, do something different and pure, an uncompromising brand of metal in our area. We started to get in touch with Luzon comrades, make zines, cds and tape trading’s. And that’s how we get involved in the underground.

Your first demo was released as a four way split and two of them are from Luzon like the band Demonic and StormTroopers, how did you get in contact with those bands? When was the demo released?

Demoniakal: our first demo was five way split and the split with them was our 2nd demo, i knew chris(demonic,stormtrooper and bf zine) even before we start our band. We got in contact thru a "metal clan" and that's how we commence our alliance.


The raw and very lo-fi sound of your demo sounded like it was recorded in an old cassette player, is it really intended? Since, nowadays there are lots of easy access of technology like cellfones, audio and video cam recorder and everybody has one, to hear the drums, guitar and vocals on how you really execute it, any plan in recording it in a studio? Or you will just put it this way?

INSVLTER- on the first demo the 5way split, those tracks were recorded using a cell phone of our drummer, there was no any care or future thought on how the tracks will come out, we just want to record it. The second demo tape “diabolic assault”, was recorded using a cassette tape player, it was really intended, you know. We want to preserve it, the old-school fucking way, we really want to start like on an old metal era. We have no plan to record it on a studio. We will always do it raw, but not anymore on a cassette player, due to there was already no equipment to dubbed tapes. And it’s really hard to get one of that equipment here in our place.

How will you define your music by the way? I’ve sense some HellHammer, old Onslaught etc. who are the bands influences?

INSVLTER - I’m having a hard time defining our music. But let us put it this way. I think our music, the titles are the subject word and our lyrics is the definition. Definition of how we think and how the band is. But since you don’t have accessed to our lyrics. I’d say as proper answer to your question, I define it as chaotic and satanic. Our band influences was old sarcofago, beherit, hellhammer and blasphemy.

Your music from the Satanic Propaganda split sounded way different to your first demo, what influences you injected here? Or is it because of the switching of band member and instruments?

INSVLTER – the influences was still the same from the first. Honestly I was not satisfied on the outcome of our tracks in satanic propaganda. The drumming was lame; it shouldn’t have done that way supposed, we were lack of rehearsal and power on that release.

Do you guys play live in Zamboanga? What can you say about your scene there? Haven’t heard any bands in your place ever since except your band Rapist and Los Muertos and your neighboring town in Negros like Kratornas, can you recommend any underground metal bands in your place? How about zines there?

INSVLTER-we play live once, in entire existence of the band. On that live ritual we covered song of hellhammer”maniac” and nunslaughter”raid the convent” and one composition “bestial annihilation”. We have a brother bands back in 2010, the antikrist and bloodimperium, but they were not active anymore today. They are the bands on the satanic propaganda split. Unfortunately there is no zines and solid metal scenes here buddy. We are the one who is solid metal here.


What to you is the concept of God and Satan?

INSVLTER - Back in 2010, we play and sing about Satan and insulting god. As years of continues readings and searching’s, and as our ideas become mature, I realize Satan and god is just a tool of every religion to control the masses, to deceive and intimidate the masses.  We can say basically, satan is the concept of “evil” and god is the concept of “good”. But I’m no longer play with these concepts. I am against all religion.

Lastly, have you raped someone already?

INSVLTER – none, we just want to put it in the feeling of our music not in reality and personal life.

Infernal Hails brother! Your last message and your band contact info’s.

INSVLTER – Bestial salute and thanks to you brother, to this interview. Thanks to all your readers too. Metal till death!!

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