Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Interview with Lincoln Love Log


Interview by: Corix Baluca

Hails! Sickos! How are you? And how’s the taste of the human bar b-q?
G-Mel: - Sick as fuck..., yes human flesh, thats what I told Tom-T my band mate,when I die (in my will) I want all my friends to eat my ribs at my funeral and listen to CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER-CONVICTED!!!

By the way, why Lincoln Love Log? What’s the story behind this shit? Why not a gory name, since you guys deals with gory lyrics and stuffs?
Well, LINCOLN a former UW president from Illnois (USA) and LOVE LOG means penis So subliminally it means ``ILLNOIS COCK``!!! sex, lust ,gore ,porn,bbq, butcher, feast of love....

When was the band formed? And why?
In winter of 2002 , I got a spot to be on a comp. called INTERNATIONAL HEAVY METAL BOX SET from CANADA,(MEATHEAD RECORDS).
Me & Terry Milliam the MASTER of treats for goats studio the guy that does all the LLL mastering!! Genius we`re jamming I was filling in playing drums on his band Unstable and Tom lived with Terry at the time. So we would jam after Unstable was done and wrote Pink Taco for the compilation box set.

As I am listening to your cd, you are fucking noisy and unique, man! But I sense some of your songs has an Impetigo influence, do you consider Impetigo as one your influence?
Thanks, Fuck yes if it was not for Impetigo I would not be doing this sick shit called LLL. They are a major influence.

Have you experienced being throwed by a stone in your roof by your neighborhood while playing LLL music loud at home?J
No complaints because they're scared shitless. Sometimes this shit scares me.

Have you tried sending your cd to PETA? Hehe! Or is there any vegetarian/animal activists people buy your cd? Because you know, your cd sleeves is about chopped meat, bar b-q and stuff like that…hahaha!
No fuck veggy people. They would die before eating meat, what is that??

Here in the Philippines, 50 percent of the people here eat dog meat, have you tried a dog meat bb-q? …man… that taste so fucking good, man! J
No, but we would like to try BBQ Doggy on the grill, yummy

Anyway, besides being a cannibal  , besides doing music, what do you guys love to do, or your heading materials you are into, like; are you into some sports? Drinking alcohol everyday? Masturbating? Smoking weed? Are you working professionally? Or whatever man!
I think we do all of the above depending on the day, and if we are lucky we do all in one day! Anyhow, besides music I am a sucker for old movies. I collect projectors, movies, anything old. My trade is painting, remodeling it pays the bills. Tom doesn't do anything but smoke weed and drink beer. His trade is making home made BBQ sauce.

Your latest cd "Are you BBQ"? Is recorded live on tour, do you play live just the two of you?
Yes, just the two of us - G-Mel and Tom-T. If you catch the right show you might even see Tom light himself on fire, and grill his own meat!

Who are those bands in your play lists while having a bar b-q?
Roanoake, and our side project Tokyo Squeeze, is Jim, Todd, G-Mel, Tom-T

How’s the Illinois u.g scene looks like? Is there any active fanzine writer there? D.i.y gigs or something?
It sucks, we have to travel to play good shows.

Just answer what ever comes on your mind:
God? Impetigo
Porn? Evil Pink Two
Satan? George W Bush
Religion? BBQ Nation
Money? I need some
Punk? JFA
PETA? Cat the other white meat
Brutal Death metal? Autopsy
Gore grind? Sarcophaga Carnaria

Alright, brothers! Thanx for answering my shits! Keep on eating bb-q that’s good for our health! Promote your band or say anything you want here.

A.C/Waco Jesus/Meat Shits/Estuary/Lincoln Love Log//Darkness Undying/Sore Covered Whore/Unregistered Sex Offender/Avtiktunas/Trioxin/
:March, 18 2006 at Sudsy Malones
2626 Vine St., , Cincinnati,OH, USA 45219



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