Tuesday, May 9, 2023

3rd Room Interview


Interviewed by: Fonda

This band hails from the great land of Italy, with lots of great damn bands there as well! 3rd Room band defines themselves as Metal/classic/Rock band and their music will surely mesmerize you. So, I got a chance to interview their lovely vox Khay. Here’s how it went:

Hellish greeting 3rd room! How’s the band doing?
Khay - Incredible…but really good! Wonderful feedbacks form media and fans, we didn’t expected !!!

I know you have been asked a hundred of times, but what the heck! What’s behind the band name? I am really fucking curious.. what’s inside the 3rd room?
The name, It was not a choice, it was born naturally...the 3 for all its meanings and it is so symbolic and the RoOm because we live music like a RoOm, you can enter whenever you want, a place were you feel protected in, where you can be what you really are, something that wraps but you don't feel caged....but if you really wanna know what’s inside the RoOm…you must enter it and it happen when you see us on stage!

Yeah, sooner or later I might see you guys perform! Who are the bands you are lately listening to? Did you want to sound like your fave band or did you guys created your own style of music?
We are 4 different people who listen to so many different kind of music and I think this is why our music is a perfect mix of a lot of influences but is not a clone of anything. We didn’t exactly “create” our own style…it was born naturally.

Nice answer! Now, there are lots of great bands there in Greece like Astarte, Black Winter, Petrified Genitalia, etc… What’s makes your band stand out from them?
Maybe the fact we don’t try to be different :P the music we compose is a perfect mix of so many different kind like north Europe sound but with a special Italian touch and with a delicate voice, you are probably used to combine a typical Lyrical voice in this kind of music…we tried to do something different a delicate voice in heavy music with powerful orchestra etc…

Yeah, your music is truly amazing How did you guys form by the way, give us a short summary.
I always wanted to start a band that sounded like this, and asked Marco (Montagna) a couple of times because I knew him as a guitar player, but he never had time.
When I met Rob, he was getting fond of his old band and all the shit that was surrounding it. This was an occasion to put up something new, so he left the band (and left them some songs) and we worked hard to lay down the basis of the 3rd Room.
Being a musician since years makes you have lots of friends that play in a band, so we contacted Marco again, being him a longtime friend of Rob (this time he agreed, leaving me some with doubts about the power of my womanhood..), to join us 2 in this new project.
Last came Fo', who rushed into the band just a couple of rehearsals before our first live show, half march 2007. This a characteristic of our band: always in a rush... hehe

Hehe, girl power didn’t work out! I have checked out your vid in myspace. Who helped you in making that vid? Tell us more about it.
We felt we need to add images to our music to make it complete so we started looking for a director who could perfectly match with our visions and we found it in wherecloudspart.com by Enrico Caputo we gave him our ideas and he has done a good job!

The video is great, Enrico is pretty good. So, is it an easy access when a band goes to recording in studios? Or is it expensive as well?
In Italy like elsewhere, I guess is so expensive, we have an everyday work and we have to find the way to make music and work perfectly match so we decided to record all at home and then mix it all in a professional studio, the mini cd was mixed by Mauro Matteucci at Legend Studios and the next one…we will decide it ;)

Hope I can review your next album as well! Do you think it’s an advantage to have a female in a band? Do explain some weird experiences by the band during gigs.
The metal scene with female fronted band is so full just right now so we can’t say that’s an advantage to have a girl in the band. We’re a female fronted band but that’s a fact that’s not who we really are, we prefer to be a BAND and we work so hard to be that.
I’m the girl we’re talking about and I can say that’s not a problem for me rounded by guys, the band’s member are all good friends very close to mine so I feel very comfortable with them everywhere it’s so hard on stage when Marco (Montagna) so often tries to be the front-man jumping on my feet and stuff like that.
I finally succeeded in convincing him to sell his wireless system for a new bass guitar…
One day I was so near to breaking my teeth while running on stage, with his bass hurting my microphone just in front of my mouth and me being with closed eyes…tragic moments!!!

Haha, that was a hell of an experience! Hey, do you believe in paranormals? Reincarnation? UFOS?
RoberthK…he’s the one!!! He believe in paranormals and he probably could tell you some interesting experiences!!! But I don’t want to talk about that, the last time I didn’t sleep for a week!

Now I wonder about his stories…How about religion, cult, Satanism, being agnostic…. What’s your opinion on this.
4 people 4 different opinions so we decided we haven’t to put our personal religions opinion in music but I can say there’s a real deep respect between all of us.

Safe answer! Now, if you are going to enter 3 rooms, what will you choose:
(a)-money & fame
( c )- to be a Greek gods/goddess THIS ONE!!!

I will choose the same thing! =) You will be touring USA right? How about Middle East or Asia?
Yes we should be in USA twice in the next year one in spring and the other at the end of summer in two different areas but we’re considering so many places we would touring. We’re looking for promotion and management all around the world so if there are someone interested in our music we will accept every proposal

Thanks for the time! So I leave this space for you. Go on and promote your band! All the best for you guys! Horns up!
I enjoyed the time for the interview so all I can say is : THANK YOU SO MUCH, I really hope to see you soon and I’d really want to know what do you think about our music onstage version!! Welcome in the 3rd RoOm!!


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