Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Aaarghhh


interviewed by: corix

Hello I’Gore, how are you and the rest of the band? And what’s spinning on your player while answering this?
Hi mybro CORIX, thanks in advance for this interview. here a days we’re fine and keep enjoy it. And sorry if I has not good enough in english language here.

Why you name your band “aaarrrgghhh” by the way? How did you guys come up with this kind of name? Why not something like brutal and gory kind of name since you guys plays brutal death metal? Any story behind that? And by the way, how do you spell your band name? how many A’s how many R’s, G’s and how many H’? 
I want do some correction here, our band named aaarghhh (with 3 a, 1 r & g, 3 h). truly, I joined this band since end of 1998, this band has formed in 1994, so for sure why use this name, I do not know..haha, …it’s just sound simple, so everyone can remember it with easy.

And who do you think that inspires the music of Aaarrrggghhh? How about books, zines or any literature that you think change the way you think about life?
Well, before I joined in this band, I has get involved in several band, but those band has not any target or commitment..so I’m out of it. We’ve a bunch of inspiration, sometimes it’s come from our daily life too. And about book that change ourway of life, truly some of us is too lazy to read, but I sometimes keep spent time with reading some book such as political book, autobiografy, shortstory, art also metal zine. With reading you keep fucking feed your mind to see world outthere..m’I right !?

How did you discover metal? And how did you come up with the ideas and concept of the underground? Since there is no money in the underground scene? Can you tell us your own interpretation of “underground” why you choose that scene instead?
How I discovering metal music, you mean..?! for whole thinks it’s just apretation to this life. I like underground music since 9-10 year old. So for sure why we get on it, even we’ll cann’t support our daily life from this kind music to be a living. But I just can tell you all, it’s have some pleasure with this suck underground music…trust me and keep try in..

Since you guys had quite long existence in the scene, what can you say about your scene in Jakarta? Or in the whole Indonesia? I heard a lot of bands there, how about zines? I haven’t heard any new releases of zines coming from your country these days; can you recommend any zine there to check out?
Yachh, you’re right..this band has involved in this scene for most 13year. Jakarta it’s fuck up city no place for wicked, you wicked you be lost. Ug scene here growth slowly but surely, just for you all know it, it’s underground music man…!!! Not a boys band like ussually you watch it in tv. Yeah..a bunch great band you can find here. But here we’ve a main problem; this day UG’ers in here DO NOT LIKE read…so it’s make some zine must strungling hard to face this fact. This a bit proof why our country has leaved behind from others country around asia..do not like read !! ahh I am sick to talk about it..

Where do you usually play? Or where your gigs usually held there in your place, is there any gig happen every week there? How about any metal fest?
Well, since one’s of small event underground music tragedy in our neighbour city, b#nd&n$ ..the authorithy has quitely forbid some small event organiser to organize a gigs/metal event, it’s quitely kill us here. So for solution some organizer must move to pub/club/café to run their gig’s. in recently most every 2 week you can find and see small gig’s (in jakarta, we talkin about here). If any organizer want to organize a big gigs such as metal fest…the organizer must spent a lot fuckin suckin money to feed and face the biro/authorithy…same of them living in corruption & complexs biro.

Do you drink alcohol and smoke weed? If you do, what kind of alcohol and weed will you offer to me if I’ll visit your country?
Hahaaa…this is your part dude, we so curious want to taste an sadique, maybe you can send us a bottle..hahaha. here you can tatste a traditional alchols too with an bunch named..but ussualy in jakarta black market you can find a bunch major brand such as JD, XO, VOD, JW and others.

By the way, I have watch the video called “Poso” recently and it has two different versions, its really confusing to me and I am so curious to know what’s the real story of the massacre? Who are the victims? I guess that was all about Muslims and Christians right?
I just can tell you…you must have principle “ DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE” !! cause it’s can divide you and us all. It’s just human tragedy such as others human tragedy around the world.

Anyway, are you guys Muslim? Since Indonesia is an Islamic/Muslim country, I would like to know about your views about religion? For me, all religions are bullshit! And for me, religion has no place in metal or in the whole underground thing, what can you say about that?
3 of myfriend is muslim, but we live good together side by side. I just can say indonesia it’s a plural nation. A religion is personal things. Your opinion it’s your right.

Alright, I have read about the Dayak tribe and Madurese are their ritual practice of beheading still exists?
Such I know that those culture it’s still exist inland.

In the Philippines, there are lots of supernatural creature’s stories and supernatural beliefs, how about there in Indonesia, are there any stories like that in your country too? Do you believe in that kind of shit?
Yeach here in indonesia it’s already have too, I believe 2 thinks; logically and unlogically. In fundamental way a rest of world before a religion exist, all human has believe 2 thinks and I call it’s animisme and dinamisme. They worship a big tree, animal or others thinks.

Alright brother, for my last and my favorite question, define love? 
Stay unite it’s make us stronger than before,, and my bored words: keep read, buy some zine/tape/cd record, avaiable aaarghhh pro-done cassette for further info in oursmall site www.aaarghhh.com / e: info@aaarghhh.com / aaarghhh2000@yahoo.com see you all in next of your hell…NO BULLSHITzine rule’s.

Aaarrrggghhh, man! Thanx for answering this shits and sharing your thoughts and ideas, your last message and promote your band…

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