Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Aggressive Dog Attack

 A.D.A. - Aggressive Dog Attack

by; Corix

I conducted this interview last Oct. 2003, but Boi, got a chance to answer my question just this month of July 2004, it’s been quite a year already, and I even forgot that I send him an interview, hehehe, I did this interview thru a traditional and never fade and really kick ass snail mail and planned to put this intie in my first issue, but I comprehend Boi’s situation, he’s a very busy guy, so check this out to know why Boi A.D.A’s frontman is so busy, by the way, I steal the A.D.A logo from Roel Tripalium Zine, and pictures courtesy of Sannee Crapsalad Zine and videos.

NO BULLSHIT: -Every punk heads have known and respect you for how many years passed, for the sake to those kids who don’t know you yet, what A.D.A stands for? And when did the band formed? And how old is A.D.A?
A.D.A [BOI]: -A.D.A. means “Aggressive Dog Attack”. It was formed last 1989, when punk scene in the Philippines is almost dead. 14 long years of hard times, but most of it, are full of fun.

NB: -If you don’t mind, how old are you man? All of you in particular, are all of you got married and had kids? Are they punk too?
BOI: -Well, I’m not sure, but as far as I know, Jojo is already 27 y/o, Josh is 23, Jake is 23, Jason is 20 Y/o, and I’m 35 last May. Most of them are free to have a relationship with their opposite sex, I’m the only married man in our group. I have already two lovely punk daughter named Doz (6 y/o) and An Archy (3 y/o). It’s too early to tell if they’re going to follow my lifestyle, the only thing that Ive notice with both of them right now is… theyre much into “Sex Bomb dancing” Hahaha!!! [Hehehe! My nieces like the spagetti song too!- corix]

NB: - In your own words of definition? How can you define your music?
BOI: -It was a punk musick in general, that tackles socio-political stuffs.

NB: - Is there any changes of the band line up since ADA was born?
BOI: -Changing members are pretty normal in our group, since we started forming it, members are free If they want to leave the band. Four of us are from San Pedro, Laguna and the drummer is from Las Pinas, Metro Manila. I don’t have much idea what is happening about the whole Laguna scene, but I know that San Pablo, Sta. Rosa, Binan are still active and few other town are getting involved. We played ones in Calamba, Pakil, and Pangil, Ive heard also that Sta. Cruz and Lumban are into process of building their own little scene. Pacita/San Pedro? Oh! It’s our area, one of the most active scene before, but right now, it’s in a dull moment. Most of the People involve before got married and was shit up by their job and responsibilities to their family. Inspite of all that, few are still existing, even though they play emo kind of pop punk…Hehehe!!! ( Mga Bro.! Joke lang! Hehehe!!) “ Its better than never”.

NB: -What makes all of you busy besides your band? Is there any of the band are workin’?, into business or whatever man?
BOI: -I’m very busy with my two kids and all of those household stuffs that a slaves do, hahaha!! As a househusband, its my duty to wash the dishes, our clothes, clean our house, etc…. Whew! “Its nice to be the king!” Yeah! I’m the king, my wife is the ACE…Hahaha!!! We do have also a business for our daily survival. We do Blood, urine, stool testing in our little Laboratory. Jojo and Joshua are into distroing bootleg stuffs and sell it in a cheap amount that a punk kid can afford to buy. Jake is almost over with his school, Jason is still studying.

NB: -Pls. Tell us the ADA’s discography?
BOI: -Our Discography:
@ Underground Music For the Underground Creatures Comp. – Middle Finger Prod.
@ “ What do you want for Christmas” Comp. – Middle Finger Prod.
@ Love Politics Demo – Boi baboi DIY Project
@ Asal Ganid Comp. – Boibaboi/ Ut unum Sint
@ A.D.A. S/t Album – Boibaboi/ Ut Unum Sint
@ Asian Punk lives Vol .II Comp. – Sprout Records (Japan)
@ “ No Racism, No authority” Comp. – KontraBrawl/ Dratsab ( Malaysia)
@ “ Up Yours!” comp. – Middle Finger prod.
@ “ Force the underground power!” Vol .I – Chaozine
@ “ Kicking the pigs out!” Video Comp. – Crapsalad Distro
@ “ How the Anti-Christ was born?” Album – Boibaboi/ Ut Unum Sint
@ “ So far, So good” Video Comp. – Crapsalad Distro
@ Not for hire Video Comp. – Crapsalad Distro
@ A.D.A./ NSA Split Album – Boibaboi/ Ab own pocket
@ American Waste Vol. I Comp. – Bad People Records ( U.S.A.)
@ Annoyed Video Comp. – Crapsalad Distro
@ Tripalium Comp. – Tripalium Zine
@ “ We will survive” Comp. – Sukma Records ( Malaysia)
@ Bound by hate Comp. – United Angst DIY Project
@ “ Blast from the east” 4 way split – Sangsara Records ( Malaysia)

[Wow man, you got a bunch of releases, I only got one tape and 2video comp., hope I could hear some of those!- corix]

NB: -Have you played live in Davao and Cebu? Or any places outside Luzon? How was it? Pls. Share.
BOI: -We don’t have chance to play outside Luzon and out of the country. But were hoping that we can do it in the future. Well, were just hoping..Hahaha!!!

NB: -Could you pls. Tell us a short history of punk in the Philippines? And who started punk rock in the Philippines? And when did punk music introduced in the Philippines?
BOI: -It was started in the late 70’s-early 80’s by those young people from the upper class who can afford to study abroad and when they go back here, they bring it as a new culture of trend. As far as I remember It was Howling Dave who played it first in his DZRJ radio program.

NB: -Everyone knows your music politically, for you is chief justice Davide should be impeached? 

BOI: -I don’t care if they will impeach Davide or not, it will change nothing. The only thing that I’m sure Is, whatever happen, it will still favor in the side those scum politicians and those ultra rich capitalist of this land.

NB: -What can you say about our country now? Would you still live here? Did sometimes you wish that you were born not a Filipino?
BOI: -It was a Hopeless case right now, another 3rd world wasteland. I will still prefer to live here than live in Sudan or Kenya or Kosovo. I don’t wish much about my nationality, deep within me, I don’t consider myself a Filipino. Races, countries, and flags devided the people around the globe, it makes war and confusion. Were all Earthlings, therefore, a citizen of the Earth! Sometimes, I wish that I was a rich man, so that I can help lot of indigent people in our area.

NB: -If you were a president of the republic of the Philippines, as a commander in chief what are things you can do to stop corruption, crime, kidnapping, drug trafficking, terrorism and other bullshit that are bane in our society?
BOI: -Well, If I’m the president of the Philippines, I will not last long than a month. Most of the big businessmen and corrupt politician will overthrow me from my position, for the reason that I will give them the hardest times of their lives. I will become a sort of a dictator and I’ll try to isolate this Island and do my own things like Economy, politics, and etc….But I guess it will not happen, it was just a fantasy came from your question.Hehehe!!!  hehehe!-corix]

NB: -If you were a ground commander, would you command assault to Capt. Panfilo Villaruel? What can you say about him? Should we consider him as a hero or a sane? For you, what is his main reason for struggling against the government?
BOI: -I don’t have any idea what really inside the mind of Mr. Villaruel that time, maybe, he was just pissed off by the system he served for a long time. If I’m the assault commander, I will wait first for the big bang that came from the bomb planted by Mr. Villaruel group. Then, I’m going directly to the nearest seaport and look for a place where I can hide for the rest of my life…Hehehe!!! [Ako din tago din ako, hehehe!-corix]

NB: -About your zine Betloogs, who are the bands featured in your latest issue? And what can you say about the zine scene in the Philippines right now? Is it really fucked up and declined?
BOI: -The last issue that I’ve made is issue #6 . Bands featured are Rodeo Clown from Italy and Puppys Temerity from Bataan. Yeah! Punk Zine in the Philippines is almost dead, There are few who still struggling, and one of them is your zine.

NB: -What are your advice to those punk kids who wanna start punk music?
BOI: -You don’t need to be technical, just learn the three basic power chords and that’s Punk Rock!

NB: -If there’s something you’d like to tell in this fucking country and the whole wide world, it’s your time to shout it out loud!
BOI: -Try to protect and preserve the planet .As of now, It is the only place that we can live on! So, we must give Mother Earth a break!

NB: -Do you want to thank anyone?
BOI: -Thank you very much Corix for the interest to interview A.D.A., It was a big help in spreading our ideas to some brothers/sisters in the punk scene. As of now, our scene is doing well, so please don’t stop supporting not only your scene but the whole Philippine and Asian counterparts. More power to your NO BULLSHIT Zine, and hope that our little contribution can help again thank you very much! TAKE CARE & PEACE!!!!!

@ If anybody wants friendship or anything you want to know about us, including our sexual fantasies…Pls. Contact us TO: Boi Piodos / Po Box 064 / Pacita Complex / san Pedro, Laguna / 4023 Philippines. Or boibaboi@yahoo.com

Guitar : Josh “JAWS”-
Jake “The Snake”- Bass
Jason- Drums
Boi- Vocals


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