Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Ex Nihilo


Interviewed by Corix Baluca

Hails brothers! Kumusta To? How’s Ex Nihilo doing?
Nihil-Fit: Maayo man Corix. Ex Nihilo is writing new materials as of the moment.
Ex Blod: Kamusta man sa imo Corix

Why Ex Nihilo? What’s the story behind that name? What is that all about? Is that something like an Ex Nihilist, Nihilism or Nihility?
Nihil-Fit: Ex Nihilo means “Out of Nothing”.

Your two track demo was fucking awesome! Notorious speed, raw BM that fucking blast, is that the first ever release by the band? Tell us the discography of the band?
Nihil-Fit: Yes it is our first release. 2004 we had a split CD with Ab Imo Morte. 2006 Ex Nihilo became a full band with new a line-up and that means we hired human drummer. The current line-up is Nihil-Fit: Lead Axe, Ex Blod: Vokills, Voiden: Bass and Borskag on Drums. Expect some old school shit this summer!

You guys formed 2004, can you pls. tell us just a short story how you guys formed? What are those former bands and stuffs you are involve with before forming Ex Nihilo?
Nihil-Fit: Besides Ex Nihilo, I have my own project which is Irathus.
Ex Blod: check out the site for information and other queries.

And by the way, how did you discover metal? And what are those Black Metal stuffs, literature, books you first discover that inspires you much? Nihil-Fit: I heard Metal the first time when I was in grade 4 and it was Slayer.
Ex Blod: late 80’s.

Only few bands that I have known from your area Ilo-Ilo City, like 6425, Ab Imo Morte and DeadString Records also releasing black metal stuffs, can you tell us some bands there in your area that are serious in the underground thing?
Nihil-Fit: None.

What can you say about the underground metal scene in your place? We are very curious to know about the Ilo-Ilo City scene, what’s the Ilo-Ilo scene looks like? Do you think there’s an underground metal scene in your area?
Nihil-Fit: There is no Underground Metal scene here; there are bands, but no Metal scene.

How bout the zine scene in your place? Is there any zine writers there? If you know any, could you name it? So that we would know and to have trade with them.
Nihil-Fit: Try Sirum DSR.

Alright, I would like to know, about the copyright and anti-copyright, where is your stand about this issue? And why?
Ex Blod: to hell with that copyright and anti copyright bullshit, this type of questions gives me a fucking head ache. Can we just abused alcohol and get drunk instead?

If Cradle Of Filth will be playing live in the Philippines and you guys are chosen to play as a supporting act, will you play? If yes, why? If not, why? Pls. explain.
Nihil-Fit: No, I don’t like gigs that much and I don’t like that band either or the crowd.
Ex Blod: we just go to gigs for free beers, laugh, get drunk and puke.

I saw you guys at FILIPINO METAL DOT COM, do you guys believe that that website is a good source for underground metal in the Philippines? If yes, why? If not why? Pls. explain.
Ex Blod: it really depends, if they think it’s doing well for them then it’s not our business anymore. I don’t care and I don’t give a damn about it.

If you guys will plan to tour Luzon, who are those bands here in Luzon area or in Manila you want to be play with?
EX Blod: I don’t know.

I know you guys abused alcohol much, what are your favorite intoxicating stuffs? And how about Tuba and Lambanog or Pauroy? I don’t know how you call that in your place or in your lingo, but it is some kind of a homebrew Gin. That stuffs fucking kills, man!
Ex Blod: we don’t have any favorites, any alcohol drinks will do. It is also called “Tuba” here in Iloilo, and yes I’ve cross path with that drink in my late elementary days my father used to treat me with a bowl (coconut shell) of that.

Your top 5 local bands and top 5 foreign bands?
Nihil-Fit: Slayer

Your top 5 local zines and top 5 foreign zines?
Ex Blod: those zine who gives attention to your demo even it’s in a fucking CDR format and doesn’t give a 2 liner review may it be positive or negative.

You also deals with hatred and brutality when it comes to your music, and how about when it comes to our government? Do you have any hatred in our government? Since we are all affected with the rotten system? Do you care? Or you just don’t care about political stuffs.
Nihil-Fit: Political issues are rollercoaster bullshit. My hate is aimed particularly towards mankind not Politics, Religion or any other man made institution. The answer to conflict is Mass Genocide or Suicide.

Anyway, since you guys deals with hatred and satanic stuffs, do you guys still fall in love? Since ilonggos are known to be sweet or malambing…hehe ..What to you is love or just define love in your own opinion…hehe
Nihil-Fit: We never deal with anything satanic. Sorry Corix Im only interested in questions concerning Ex Nihilo or anything it represents.

Alright brothers, thanx for answering my shits! Hope we could drink some intoxicating stuffs soon and chill out with sweet ilonggas in your place! Horns up! And Up the Irons!
Nihil-Fit: Salamat Corix! Drop by Iloilo so we can get fuckin drunk! Ex Blod: Salamat.!

Band Contact:
http://exnihilo.cjb.net / ilonggometal@yahoo.com

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