Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Blood Bastards


by: Corix

NB: -bloody greetings to all y’all bastards, what’s up with you guys? How’s the underground scene in your country?
BLOOD BASTARD [SANDER B.]: -Thanks man, we're great! We're starting to feel better from 'Surgical Slaughter tour' we did with General Surgery a couple of weeks ago. It was quite exhausting, haha! I think the Dutch underground scene isn't too harsh for unknown or starting bands. The scene itself is not as big as the German scene, like in Hamburg or Berlin, but the crowd is quite open for new bands.

NB: -what was the story behind in the winter of 1847? What was the connection of this story to your band?
SANDER B.: -At that time life was hard in the area we live. People were poor and men had to work hard to keep their families alive. There were lots of fights between men. Especially when they tried to drink away their problems. Every now and then there were men killed in these fights. There are facts known that some men went mad because of the drinking and fighting. The Bloodbastard was one of those men.We all are interested in the history of our own neighborhood, so when we read a couple of history books, we decided to name a band after one of these hardwoking, slaughtering men.

NB: -It is a kind of historical bloody murder in your country, is the winter 2002, blood bastard officially formed? Can you give us a brief info of your previous and current releases?
SANDER B.: -Yes, that's right. We officially formed Bloodbastard in February 2002, shortly after we quitted Lost Euphoria, a doom metal band. The demo we recorded last year was the first thing we recorded. We released it ourselves, but we're looking for a label for our upcoming full-length cd.

NB: -what can you say about the scene in your country? And what place that you really wish to have a tour or to performed live?
SANDER B.: -I think the hardcore, grindcore and metal scene is becoming bigger again. There has been lots of hardcore-bands the last years, but there's more and more metal coming up. Places where we'd like to play once? Let me see, we've played a lot in squats. Some bands don't like to play in that kind of places, but we do. The atmosphere is simple, honest and true. We like that. But we'd also like to play in '013' in Tilburg, the Netherlands once.

NB: -who are the bands that you wish to performed live with in a tour? Could you pls. tell us at least 5 bands?
SANDER B.: -As I said, we toured with General Surgery. Those guys are really cool, we had a hell of a week with them! We'd really like to play with them again. One band we would love to play with is Bile (again, haha!), But for us it’s just having a great time playing our shit, trying to give those who showed up a good night and getting’ drunk! Music is about the fun and having a good time, sure it would be great playing with bands we really like but it’s not thát important. Oké; you want names… Bile, Dahmer, The day everything became nothing, bloodduster and Replay…

NB: -do you believed in the ethics of D.I.Y? would you like to tour in a third world country like my country Philippines? with your own expenses?, I mean, we’ll not shoulder the bands plain ticket.
SANDER B.: -I think all three of us think that way. Unfortunately lots of other bands don't. All they're up to is making money and be famous. That shouldn't be your intention of making music. Of course we'd like to play in a third world country; people are equal, places are equal. Poor or rich. It's too bad that not everybody thinks that way. We wouldn't mind if a tour like in your country cost money instead of makes money. The problem is that all of us are chronically broke, haha!

NB: -what is your main topic in creating lyrical approach? And who mostly writes the lyrics?
SANDER B.: -Patrick de V. has written all of the lyrics. There isn't an explicit political message in his lyrics, I think he puts all of his aggression in it. He isn't some kind of psychopath with a desire to slaughter (at least, that's what we hope!), he just releases unplaced thoughts this way.

NB: -do you believe in religious sect? What’s your philosophy towards it?
SANDER B.: -We don't have a specific religion at all, though we respect anyone else's religion. I understand if someone puts all of his faith in some kind of religion or sect.

NB: -do you have friends? What do you mean of what you’ve said in your bios website “WE RAPED, WE KILL, WE THRILL, WE’RE HERE TO END UP YOUR EXISTENCE”?
SANDER B.: -We don't have friends, because nobody likes us… We just have each other, haha! No, kidding, we know who our real friends are, and those people know that.

NB: -do you hate anybody? who do you trust with?
SANDER B.: -We hate people who don't like people because of their way of thinking or way of living. Oh yeah, we hate dr. McWilliams from General Surgery because he almost broke our amp.

NB: -do you hail Satan or God? For you, who is the most powerful? GOD, SATAN or MONEY?
SANDER B.: -That's a great question! I think Patrick de V hails Satan, but Sander V and I don't hail God, Satan nor money. But if you look honestly, I think money rules the world.

NB: -where you like to prefer to go when you die? In Heaven, Hell or in Purgatory? And why?
SANDER B.: -If I'd die I'd like to come back as a pig (not much different from my current carma, haha!) so I could eat and shit wherever I want. And to know how the bio-industry is like.

NB: -besides death and horror gore music and all of this brutal thing, do you listen to non-metal music? Would you like to tell us some?
SANDER B.: -I know Patrick de V listenes a lot to gore and death metal and grindcore. Sander V listens a lot of kinds of music, from old school punk to viking metal. I listen to punk and hardcore a lot , but also grindcore and goremetal. But I also like reggae, so we've got a wide taste of music.

NB: -could you pls. tell us the blood bastard lifestyle? How often you abuse alcohol and drugs? Are you guys working? Or still studying?
SANDER B.: -We're all working. I don't think there is a 'Bloodbastard lifestyle', though it would have sounded cool! We drink beer quite often in our rehearsel shed, but we don't do hard drugs. Especially not heroin; it's too expensive. We smoke pot now and then.

NB: -alright man, thanx for answering my shits, much respect to you all of you! you can now do some growling shout outs to anyone...stay sick and brutal!
SANDER B.: -Thanks to you too man, for interviewing us! Hope to see you in the Philippines once! Stay Evil!

Sander B... The Bastardshttp://home.zonnet.nl/bloodbastard/

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