Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Condemned


Interviewed by Corix Psychotronic

Condemned is grindcore, yeah! Muthaphukkaz! Slap it in your face ‘cuz damn, they are! At first, I witness these bastards, they kick my butt out with punch and spit in my ugly face! Ass bleeding and break neck shit and you’ll gonna vomit for years! Hahaha! To know more about them, read this shit, if you know how to read!

NO BULLSHIT: Hail to everyone! Hows condemned doin’, man?
CONDEMNED: We're all doin great man, thanks a lot for giving us the oppurtunity for this interview!!

NB: Could you pls. share the short biography of the band?
CONDEMNED: Condemned started in 2001. some of the members are from makati, even Jef and Cris are from Makati before, they just move in Cavite I think 2002 !! Chuck used to work at a pawnshop in makati near where Jef, Nhoize, used to live! that time chuck was still managing his production at KA FREDDY"S bar in cainta! they became friends and talked of putting up thier own band that can play in one of KA FREDDY"S production! that's where condemned started

NB: What really keeps occupies your time? And whens the demo comin’ out?
CONDEMNED: Well, some of the members are still studying.. we're in the final process of editing our demo. We're hoping that it could be released this June or early July!!

NB: In the first place why you named your band condemned? Any story behind that?
CONDEMNED: J.c of end of man suggested the name condemned. Another is when we are still starting,we are always banned by most studios where we used to practice. that's why we sticked to the name condemned!!

NB: Why you chose grindcore as your music? Do you think grindcore is already a trend in the u.g world? do you think it will not come and go?
CONDEMNED: We wanted our music delivered in more aggressive, dirty and violently approach. like drilling everyone's ear!! grindcore has all the components of what we have mentioned that’s why we choose grindcore as our tool of expressing our angst and frustrations!! some of the lyrics in our songs contain gore and tackles mostly violence, but we don't want to be called goregrind or whatever genre of grind there is...just purely slap in the face crazyasshit GRINDCORE!! let's just wait, I think we'll see who really is dedicated to the scene. underground fellas are always left 6 feetbelow ground!!

NB: who are the bands playing on your own stereo that irritates your parents ear?
CONDEMNED: End of man e.p, cardiac necropsy, extreme decay, torture incident, incision, napalmdeath, brutal truth, cryptopsy, deicide, nile, charles bronson,frightmare,agnostic front, minor threat and other grind, death, thrash, noise, hardcore, etc thanks to Jc for the resources and cd's burned!!!

NB: Could you tell us some of the local grindcore bands that really kicks ass in every gig that you played? And what can you say about the local scene these days?
CONDEMNED: Chamber69 these guys kickass onstage, human combustion, l.o.c, extreme response, religious nightmare, agenda grinder, taong gubat, catalepsis and the rest of the bands in ironworks mel manyak's giniling peste-val!! the scene seems getting fine these days. thanks to people responsible for the gigs happenning around!! BAKALLIZE, GOD'S OF METAL, MAIM, SICKFEST, E.S.B.K, METAL ASSAULT other IRONWORKS PRODUCTION and other local underground productions!!the only problem is.. there are few people with big fucking mouth who we call scenemaggots. there are those people who knows nothing but turning down bands like they know nothing about the underground. some of them judge you by age and how long your band existed. fuck that...that's the most stupid thing the scene is encountering these days.mga “bulok sa eksena”...we aren't suppose to be acting like that, hindi dapat tyo nagpapametalan dito!! for them kasi, those who existed before are the only one underground..well, we're still hoping that these guys would change.. hope someday they'll realize!! let's give new bands a chance to show what they got. let's hear their shout outs first before reacting and what they can contribute to the scene we call underground. We know that many of them will react after reading this.. but who the hell cares??? We don't want to loose temper with these guys but we had enough. we don't want to keep forever in silent. we are telling this just to open the minds of these close minded people and not provoking a fight.. un lang po!!! wish lang namin PEACE ON EARTH hehehe..

NB: Is condemned really a serious band? How much you love the u.g scene? How about playing at big crowd like the PULP magazine concert? Are you looking forward to play for that gig?
CONDEMNED: PULP???? Yes condemned is a serious and dedicated to the underground!! Condemned has come to a lot of line up changes, at first Cris was our bassist turned guitarist, Nhoize bassist turned drummer, Paul our vocalist now had been our bassist also, then became a guitarist until we've discovered his splattering vocal attack. we had several changes in line up but still we manage to survive!! Big crowd,. yes. mainstream a big NO!!!
underground for us is a collective of independent individuals who rejects all types of of commercialism, stereo typing,selling out and exploitation of some profit oriented activities with their own self interest!! fuck the commerce!!! d.i.y is about being independent in thinking and in actions. d.i.y in thinking is freedom from control of others and not just depending on others stupid opinions. d.i.y in action is showing individuals own resourcefulness in thier own creative and enthusiastic way. it's about standing and making it on your own. There are lots of things we can tackle about d.i.y, but basically it is about surviving independently. diy and undergound are always connected with each other and shouldn't be divided to know the true essence!!

NB: What are those recent stuff that you enjoyed? Could you pls. share us? How about reading d.i.y zines and watching horror movies? and how about watching chinovela like "endless love" do you watch it? hehehe i watch that shit, man!
CONDEMNED: We enjoy getting drunk...we love emperador... hehehe.. I have some copies of Tripallium zine, noisecore fanzine, indarkpurity and some hardcore/punk zines. some of us like horror films but not that much, we prefer violent and other thriller movies.

NB: Who are involve from the band "declaim"? Is it hard of doing rehearsals that you were far from each other? From cavite to makati? Hows playing with the hardcore/punk on gigs?
CONDEMNED: Nhoize, chuck and Cris play for DECLAIM. The problem is we have lost contact with our vocalist(edwin)... until now we still don't know where can we find him. (hey man you're from cavite... favor if you accidentally saw edwin please tell him to get in touch with us).-aaaiiight, man, I will [corix of nb] ..we love to play in hardcore punk gigs! before.. condemned used to play in punk gigs in laguna, cavite, pasig and marikina and we still want to if someone would invite us, by the way we will be playing at MAIM's anniversary this june.(hoy edwin pag nababasa mo ito magpakita ka na sa amin....balita nmen grumaduate kana..magiging pulis kana..painom ka naman!!!)

NB: If Fernando Poe Jr or Gloria Arroyo will win as president, will you support these two guys I mentioned? Do you care for our country’s situation politically?
CONDEMNED: We think these guys are just using politics for their own interest and profit!! We think that's the big problem why our country is suffering from economic loss...we don't care who among them wins.we are hoping that those blastbeats and peoples shouts would tear and pierce those corrupt politicians let us just watch out what would the people do later... another EDSA?? damn we're sick and tired of it!! one thing that we can say is that.. let's not depend our lives with those leeches, none of them could help us but we ourselves!!

NB: Do you think there is still hope in our country? Do you still want to live here? Do you sometimes wish that our country will be Americanized so that we will not experienced fucking poverty?
CONDEMNED: Yes of course there is...but let's not depend ourselves in some corrupt politicians...because most of them just puts our money in their pocket!! we love the Philippines. we don't want our country depending to other country, we Filipinos should stand on our own!!

NB: Who among the band hail Satan? And who hails God? And who just don’t care and why?
CONDEMNED: We're not athiest..we believe in god!! but we are not that religious, religion for us is another way of profit!!

NB: For you, who is the most powerful? God, Satan or Money? pls. explain it why?
CONDEMNED: Alcohol... we are powerful when intoxicated!! hehehe...

NB: aaaiiight, man, um fucking outta questions, big shout and more propz to you guys, lets do some traditional shit! You can do whatcha want! Like beat blasting shout outs to everyone, its your turn to growl and promote your band! …thanx. And keep the peace!
CONDEMNED: Thanks for the interview man... watch out for coming condemned gigs and keep on supporting our local underground scene.. buy local fanzine, attend gigs and support our local underground bands. and for you corix.. mabuhay ka..we're glad that there are people like you who is so dedicated in this scene we call the underground who doesn't get tired of giving new bands the oppurtunity to speak out!!! sana dumami pa kayo... more power to your zine and spread the desease!!! SALAMAT!!!

CORIX: Salamat din sa makabagbag damdamin na salita, at sa pag bahagi ng inyong karunungan, mabuhay din kayo!

FOR CONDEMNED INFO: grindcoreiscondemned@yahoo.com www.condemnedph.tk

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