Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Rallye of Decadencia


By: Corix

Are you a stoner? So, all y’all muthaphukkkaz must read this intie answered by Rallye the weed bass playa and the bastard behind Scrawlshop zine, from death metal to ganjah, to politics and other shit, then roll the paper or hit the bong and get stoned, aaaiiight???!!!

NO BULLSHIT: What's up y'all herbalistic heads? How's the doobietonic new year of decadencia?
Rallye: Hopefully working out with a couple of new drummers we're trying out, so we can play shows, so far we've missed the last 2 shows because of this setback

NB: For the readers tell them about your music? And the strong fuckin’ influences that you really apply to your music?
Rallye: We're all into older death metal like incantation and immolation as well as some fast shit like cryptopsy but mixed with slow sludge because we're also eyehategod and electric wizard freaks. That's the closest I can describe decadencia. It's like making a slow sludge band interpret their own version of deathmetal.

NB: What is really the goal of decadencia? And why are you existing here in the local scene?
Rallye: Me and the vocalist Marc and guitarist Albert go way back. we used to play in a band called echoes of deception that never worked out. after I played with Marc's last band, downfall we left and we wanted to form a band that utilized his oldschool deathmetal vocals with sludge and deathmetal riffs. we bonded real well with the last drummer to session for downfall, Andrew, so we got him in the lineup. We only want to play shows and meet a lot of cool metalheads in the scene.

NB: When was the release of that demo? Or is that demo already released? Where can we blunted humans can get a copy of those?
Rallye: you can email me your at wrathofisis@yahoo.com and I'll give you one. We never really released it, we only gave it away to people we know in hopes of getting the name and the demo out. We plan to record a much better demo this year with a new drummer plus a couple of new songs.

NB: I saw an X sign before and after the name decadencia, is decadencia straightedge? And why do you call yourselves, “weed metal satan”?
Rallye: That was a joke I did on my zine I don't know if people got it, but it's a parody of a local ad of a band of old guys playing local acoustic music. I don't know if it will piss off straightedge people, but our vocalist is straightedge, without calling himself straightedge, because he doesn't really give a shit about labeling other people. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke and doesn't dabble in any mind altering substances, he he...

NB: If you really smoke weed, and not a sXe, how often do you smoke? Is it regular like smoking cigar? How about abusing alcohol? Do you drink emperador brandy? That's my favorite man!
Rallye: It used to be my favorite too. also jack daniels, J&B and fundador and red wine. But I seriously don't drink much anymore, it fucks up my stomach and I easily get the vomits these days. I prefer smoking weed. All of us except the vocalist smokes weed. We smoke everything, dank, skunk, hash, baguio gold, hydro. We get them from friends who deal good stuff. We smoke a whole fucking lot. If I have time off work I can smoke the whole day off. We usually use bongs and gravity bongs for the most extreme high. When we recorded our two demos, the three of us were totally destroyed on red horse and hydro. It just feels better when you're stoned.

Cannabis doesn't cause brain damage. Delta9 is a naturally occuring substance that is actually beneficial to nerve strains in your brain, so the next time someone tells you that weed destroys your brain, give him the middle finger. Willie Nelson is already above 80+ years old or something yet he still smokes weed everyday yet there are many people who die of tobacco and alcohol and no one has died of marijuana use. In the US and Europe (it's legal in Holland, semi legal in other European countries), parents smoke weed with their kids. It's almost legal in Canada now and it's getting decriminalized in many US states. It's ridiculous how potheads are treated like criminals here in this ass backwards country, for something so trivial and harmless. Fuck the police.

NB: About your song "overlord" and "echoes of deception" I like the music but I ain’t understand the message ‘cuz there's no inlay lyrics when you sent me a copy of the demo cd, what was it all about who/what are the main inspirations of creating music?
Rallye: Overlord is the first song I wrote with our guitarist and with our first drummer Hans of a local death/grind band called Tomb. We leave the lyrics/concepts to Marc. It's about his struggles in finding the truth to life's depressions and never giving up and having an "I can conquer everything" attitude to his life. Marc is an extreme person, and he never gives up despite what others say. That song fits him perfectly. Echoes of deception, the title was taken from the name of me and the guitarist's old band.

NB: Most metalheads really praise and worship Satan, besides those black worshipping and metal attitude do you believe in anarchism? Do you believe in Karl Marx, or Marxism?
Rallye: I can speak for myself and the rest of the band, we don't believe in organized religion or any stupid fucking religion. Religion is the cause of 90% of the world's problems today. War, birth control, close mindedness, homophobia and about a million more problems are a direct effect of Christianity. While Christianity and other religions do have applicable truths within them, the rest is useless drive! Made to control humans and instill fear in them so that they will avoid questioning and searching for the truth and living their lives to the full. I personally however, believe in a higher power, a guiding force that fuels our existences. But in the end, there is only death, we will all die at one point, so everything is useless and pointless, there is no use pondering too much on things we can't change, it all gets reset when we die, so we don't need to bother too much with a lot of things, live your life to the full, experience everything, question everything and learn while you are still here, that's what I say.

The concept of anarchism and marxist ideals will not work in the Philippines. This is a fucked up country. Just look at all the fools who think giving FPJ a chance will make a difference in this country. Everyone wants control, everyone wants everything for himself. How can we be equal and harmonious if we are all self serving assholes like the politicians that the mindless sheep vote for every fucking 4 years. It will never work. Marx' ideas of class struggle and equality will not work in country like ours. I don't really know ‘cuz I don't give a shit about politics, I have a lot of other daily problems to worry about, like work and just existing in this country, haha.

NB: Our country is being fucked up by bullshit politicians, this coming election will you vote? If yes, who will be your president? And why? Or why not?
Rallye: I never voted not even once. A lot of people think not voting is stupid, but if you don't have any choice why the fuck would you vote for someone who is a lesser evil? It's still an evil, fuck that bullshit. If the next president becomes Lacson or FPJ we are all doomed. We are already.

NB: As a zine communicating zines and bands abroad is globalization right? What about the corporate globalization with a capitalist? Do you agree that this is a major problem and very detrimental?
Rallye: I don't see the connection of zines with capitalism. But 90% of capitalists especially here in the Philippines are assholes. They don't give a fuck about the health and well being of their employees. All they care about is maximizing their profit and giving their workers a loser's wage, especially big companies. Most of my old jobs are like these. Low pay, maximum work until Saturday. No wonder everybody is either tempted to steal or cheat, especially in the gov't. or they take extra sources of income because life here totally sucks.

NB: I am fucked out of questions to ask, thank you for this interview, man!
Rallye: Continue doing your zine. Zines are a dying medium in the local scene, zines are meant to help out the bands and the scene and to help out, and report and observe, rather than judge. Good luck.
NB: Thanx man for sharing thoughts and answering my intie. Good luck to your zine too, and keep on smokin’!

For DECADENCIA info and other subject matter:
http://geocities.com/wrathofisis/decadencia/htm or wrathofis@yahoo.com

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