Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Demiurge


By: Corix Psychotronic

NO BULLSHIT: - Y’all ! Whutz up with Demiurge? How you guys doin’?
DEMIURGE: -We're doing well --are currently in the process of finishing our last few songs for our full length cd.

NB: - Tell us a short biography of the band?
DEMIURGE: -We started jamming August 2003. Ian is from Strap on Se7en Inch, a punk band ; Ramil is from Tarabusaw, a thrash metal band from Montalban, Rizal ; This is Isa's first band. We originally planned to cover songs, but since we couldn't agree upon anything, we decided to write our own. The idea for the name Demiurge came from Isa's college thesis, Deus est Machina (god is machine). Essentially, it means 'faulty creator / imperfect god', --though he is supposedly the creator of "heaven" and earth. According to Christian mythology, the demiurge is a more complex form of Satan.

NB: -What’s really best describe in your music?
DEMIURGE: -We'd like to think that we're a straight-forward metal band, but we cannot disregard certain influences because we as individuals listen to different things. We never bothered to preoccupy ourselves with classifying our sound --rather, we simply want to write good music. Diversity is the heart and soul of this band.

NB: -I have witness one of your show that you always did an introduction sermon in every songs that you play, are you preaching Devils beliefs or you’re just dissing God?
DEMIURGE: -Neither. We don't preach the devil's beliefs nor do we diss god. The introduction to each song criticizes organized religion, and how it is used as a means for social control. Religion is also used as an excuse for people who are too lazy to think for themselves.

NB: -Do you think if Satan will dominate the world, all of us human will never ever experience any problem? What is really the goal of Satan here?
DEMIURGE: -The idea of Satan is somewhat like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy to us. He is yet another tool used by organized religion to facilitate reward-based morality.Though, if there were a Satan, and if he dominated the world, there wouldn't be much of a difference because god would then have the same novelty Satan has now.Satan doesn't strike us as an entity with an ultimate goal. However, "Satanism" encourages revenge --and that might be one good aspect of a Satan dominated world.

NB: -For you, who is the most powerful: God? Satan? Or Money?
DEMIURGE: -Money --neither god nor Satan can put food on your table.

NB: -How ‘bout politics in the fuckin’ P.I? do you care? Who are the running president that you hate and you wanna give a middle finger? And who of them that you think really good to be our leader?
DEMIURGE: -Of course we care. The government is our responsibility as a people.

Middle finger list:
1. Eddie Villanueva: He is supposedly a religious leader --he has no business running a country. Spiritual morality is not the issue here. What we need is peace, order and national stability.
2. Roco: We think he is a melodramatic liar.
3. FPJ: Need we explain? :-)

Best of the worst:
Either Lacson or Macapagal-Arroyo. We really don't have much of a choice, do we? [nah! And they’re all fuckin’ bullshit!] hehehe -corix

NB: -What if, the running president in this election is a punk, hardcore or metal? Will you vote it? Hehe!
DEMIURGE: -Hell no! it would be just like voting for FPJ --we're not saying that a punk, hardcore person or metal-head would be stupid, it's just not enough to vote someone you have 'something in common' with. We believe that votes should be based on credibility and reliability. On the other-hand, if that punk, hardcore person, or metal-head is more credible and reliable than the other candidates, then why not?

NB: -aaaiiight…this question will goes out to Isa, when did you start playing guitar? What was the first guitar you ever had? And your current guitar that you’re playing? Who inspires you in playing guitar? You are one of the best female guitar player in the Philippines and I am your # 1 fan, you know!
DEMIURGE [Isa]: -I started playing when I was 12, but only started taking it seriously after I graduated from college in 2002. My first guitar was from my mom: A Genesis Series which was on sale for P2000 with an amp, strap and cable --great deal! The current guitars I use are a NJ Series B.C. Rich Warlock, and a Gibson Voodoo Explorer --which I paid for with my own blood and sweat. My first guitar hero was Slash, though currently there are just too many to mention. Thanks for the compliment!

NB: -You guys drink alcohol that much, right? How often you abuse alcohol & beer? How ‘bout smokin’ weed?
DEMIURGE: -We don't drink that often, it's just something we do for fun --usually once a week. We don't think much of weed, it's not a good habit to pick up. Isa absolutely detests the stuff.

NB: -Who are the bands in your playlists nowadays? And give me 5 filipino bands that you think they kicks muthaphukkkers ass!
(In no order of importance)
Playlist: Testament: First Strike Still Deadly and Low ; Morbid Angel: Heretic, Gates of Annihilation, and Covenant ; Metallica: everything before Load ; Children of Bodom: Hate Crew Deathroll, Hatebreeder . . . still a lot more!
Local bands: The Beauty of Doubt, Throw, Tame the Tikbalang, Kronos, End of Man, Human Error.. sorry naging anim! [ayus lang-corix]

NB: -Besides metal/extreme, what other genre of music you also listen to? And how ‘bout emotional love songs?
DEMIURGE: -Ramil also listens to: Black Sabbath!!!! U2, Sting, Police, Beatles and glam rock! Ian also listens to: punk, and sappy emo shit. He also likes The Police, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Tesla, Reo Speedwagon, and Spinal Tap! Isa also listens to: Tool, Guns n' Roses, a little Black Sabbath and glam rock! Nobody really likes emotional love-songs...except maybe when drunk.

NB: -About your full length project that will be out soon…what was the plan on it? Would it be released on d.i.y labels? Big labels? Or just released it indie? …what can you say about the d.i.y labels in the Philippines?
DEMIURGE: -The plan is to release it under an indie/d.i.y. label. No big labels involved. We have complete artistic freedom --why would we want to compromise our independence for anything else? Re d.i.y. labels in the Philippines: A great component of all Filipino d.i.y./independent labels is resourcefulness and ingenuity --we manage to achieve a lot of things inspite of the lack of technology and funds. From our observation, local indie labels and bands share responsibilities for their releases. Each release out of this cooperation is a product of commendable effort, unlike how major label releases tend to become commodities.

NB: -Who mostly did the lyrical skill in the band? And who’s ability in forming music that is extremely heavy speed as hell? And y’all Ian, who did your crazy scary tattoo? Damn cool man!
DEMIURGE: -Ian writes all the lyrics based on his personal beliefs and the philosophies shared by the band. Ramil and Isa do most of the musical arrangement. Isa would usually come up with a guitar riff, then Ramil would always have something up his sleeve to enhance it. Sometimes Ramil would have a drum line that he would want a riff for. Basically it's a symbiotic relationship between guitar and drums. Ian doesn't have suggestions often, but when he does, they usually count. Ian had his tattoos done by Martin Caoille of Black Widow Tattoos in Kamuning, and Ricky Sta. Ana in Cartimar, Pasay.

NB: -aaaiiight guys, it all end up! Thank you so much and much respek to all y’all! Lets drink beer and alcohol again soon!…any shout outs, message to everyone?
DEMIURGE: -You're welcome and thank you too! Any time! More power to you and your zine!

FOR BAND INFO: isa@demiurge-digital.com / www.demiurge-digital.com

full length is comin’ out! So watch out!

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