Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Intrerview with Down From The Wound


Interview by Corix Baluca

Hails brothers! How’s the band doin?

Randyl [drums]: Hails brother corix, well the band is doin so fine and we were just in the process of making new materials as for now, jep and I were doin jamming sessions most of the time. That’s it there is nothing much with us lately man.

Before DFTW, you were into hardcore/punk band called MUD right? What happened to your previous band? Is there any official release of that band? Or is the demo still available? How to get a copy of that?

Yes man, before we started down from the wound we were in a band called mud, I play drums here, anto decrusted/chronicore zine was into the guitars and after a short period of time he was replaced by Jep, Jantzen is into bass, Jerk del Rosario is into vocals shit. Well Jep and I decided to start a much more serious type of band and from there we formed down from the wound in the year 2001 and Mud was buried together with jerk. Jantzen decided to join for bass and we took Niño a very good friend of ours to do the vocals. There is no Official release with Mud and good thing that ain’t happen because I got pissed off with jerk so much, he was the type of guy that will hold you in your neck and take control of you, he make all the decisions and never accept our opinion, fuck em. But as for down from the wound, we have recorded our demo song Manifest and were included in the Erasing False Mentality compilation and it isn’t available anymore but you can ask me if you want a copy of it.

I heard that Anto of Decrusted/Chronicore zine is one of the original member of DFTW since then, what happen to that bastard? Did you guys fire him? Well, no wonder why, that guy is an arsehole, I guess! Hahaha!

Nope, not with down from the wound man, he was the original guitarist of Mud.

About the band evolvement, who/what inspires you for playing brutal death/grind? How did the idea come up?

When Jep and I met Tristan our musical preferences evolved, Tristan bring and showed us the most brutal side of music, which was death metal music. And from him we have known lots of brutal bands, he is our main influence in this kind of music and without him down from the wound won’t be able to become what it has now in present.

This question goes out only to Jep, how old are you when you first learn to play guitar? Is Masturbation helps to be a technical guitar player? Or alcohol is much better? Who are your top 5 guitar players that you think inspires you a lot.

Well I think I can answer this one out for Jep, He started playing guitar in the year 1996, and he was a grade six pupil back then. Jep is the kind of guy who loves playing guitar and most of the time he always talk and share his knowledge about the guitar. He does a lot of research regarding the guitar, well that’s good for him coz he applied it to down from the wound a lot. He’d always want to go to conservatory school but he cannot afford it, he has no proper learning in classical and jazz music but man, believe in me he plays very good in acoustic, from classical to jazz to progressive he knows everything. Well I don’t think masturbation helps a lot in his guitar playing; I can’t speak for him in that matter. Alcohol, I don’t think it helps; well all I know is that he don’t drink before we perform. Well Jep has lots of favorite guitar player and I can give you some of them, John Petrucci (dream theater), Dave Celentano, Joe Satriani, Paul Gilbert, Erick Johnson, Malmstein, Marti Friedman, and many more classical players I’m not familiar with. As for death metal I know top two of his favorite guitarist is Diego Sanchez (DISGORGE USA) and Matt Sotello (DECRIPIT BIRTH).

Is the split cd with Dissimulate called “Durog na Mundo” is the first release besides the two demos out? And about the DFTW/PUS VOMIT split, who came up with that idea? That would be a killer one you know!

As I have said man, we were first integrated in a compilation but that was with the original line up. Durog na mundo was our first release with Tristan in the line, and it came out December 2004. Well about the down from the wound and pus vomit split, it was Roel of Tripalium zine/Condemned records idea. Yes man that will be a killer one and I suggest that you should grab a copy of it because we will put our re-mastered tracks there and I think he will also include our live footages from Rural Carnage II.

You guys are also involved in writing a fanzine called NORTHRN ATMOSTFEAR ZINE what is your goal in writing a zine? And by the way what inspires you to write?

The main goal was to spread and educate bands about the underground culture most especially bands here in our area and of course to further support local bands by documenting their existence. Would you believe me man if I tell you that you inspire me a lot to write and do a zine? Hehehe that’s true man I admire you a lot and of course Roel of Tripalium zine, Alex of In dark purity zine, anto of chronicore and many more inspires me a lot too.

What happen to Northrn Atmostfear ZIne? Why you changed it to KALAWANG ZINE? Any reason behind that? And when is the next issue of kalawang zine?

Well the four of us in Northern Atmostfear zine had suffer from a lot of misunderstandings that’s why we decided to end the existence of it but we were very proud and happy with our self’s coz we know that we just did a good job as a part of the scene here in our area. And we know that it enlightens some minds in the so called underground scene in Olongapo. Actually I did not change it to Kalawang Zine, I decided to write again but this time it’s a solo effort and Anto is into with his Chronicore. I still don’t know when will I release the second issue of Kalawang zine, I got lot’s of materials to review here but I still got no time for it coz down from the wound is my priority as for now.

You are also active in promoting the d.i.y ethics in your area, what can you say about the response of the kids about what you are doing about the underground ethics? Are they supportive? What can you say about the underground scene in your area?

Yes man, some kids responded very positively and some did not. The underground scene here is very small man, only few bands here and few people is into what we call true “underground”. There are lots of bands here who play hardcore, punk and even metal or what so ever genre they have man, but believe in me they do not know what the “underground” means. Some of them still don’t know what fanzine/webzine is and what d.i.y means, these are the pulp magazine/pulp community, mtv oriented bands/people man. They no nothing just to play for fun for girls and for fame, plus Olongapo has the second largest population of emo in the Philippines man, Laguna is the first. And of course what can we expect from this emo shit; playing emo is the pathway to go mainstream and commercialized. Well this is their own choice and I don’t fucking care coz they have nothing to contribute with us, good luck to them. As I have said, the underground scene here is very small man, only few of us is into it and I’m proud for it coz all of us are helping each other for this one community to make it very alive even if its very small man, all of us stay true for what we know and for what we believe in.

If you guys will be given a chance to play at OZZFEST with OZZY OSBOURNE along with big bands, and lets say DISGORGE (USA) will also be playing there, will you play? If not, why? Pls. explain.

Hahaha!!! Where the hell is this question came from? I don’t think Disgorge will agree playing live at Ozzfest man I assure you that 110%. And if they did, of course we will not going to play there coz you know man sometimes we cannot even afford our fare to attend gig outside Olongapo, what more in Ozzfest? Hehehehe!!! Of course you know it man; down from the wound is not a commercial band 100% underground, absolutely brutal.

If your music will be released by an indie label abroad, but it is copy righted, will you let it be? If yes? Why? If not, why? Pls. explain.

Yes of course and I have nothing against copy right man; it’s a simple way to protect your record or your music man, you know what I mean. And as you have said “indie label” man, so we will go for it why not?

What can you say about FILIPINO METAL DOT COM?

I’ve heard this site many times but I haven’t checked it man.

You also deals with some/a bit political stuffs, what do you think are the worst thing that you want to change in our government system?

The worst thing in our government is the government itself man. Even if we elect new officers, still there will be no changed that will happen.

How about the organized religion and other sect? Like the Krishna, Muslims, Catholic etc. pls tell us you views about that?

We don’t consider our selves as part of any organized religion or any sect man.

Alright, lets change topic seriously, have you tried having sex while listening to black metal music? Hehe!

We don’t listen to black metal!!!

Do you believe that masturbation is a very good exercise to create a good riffs and good drum beats?

Hahahaha!!! Of course not man, Do you?

Enough for that, hehe! … if you guys were not involve in a a band or in writing a zine, what you are right now? Or what other contributions that you offer so that you will still involve in the u.g scene?

I may not be long hair now and I maybe working in a bank or an office clerk something like that. Well I think the best contribution in the underground scene if I’m not in a band now is to keep contacting bands and buy their merchandise, by doing that you can simply get your self involve in the underground scene and at the same time supporting the bands I’m into.

And lastly with my favorite question; DEFINE LOVE? And who is first crush?

What the hell kind of question is this man? Am I answering a slam book or a glossy entertainment/showbiz mag? Hahaha!!! well just for you man I will answer this one, if there is love peace will rule man, as simple as that.

So I suggest start makin love to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo right now man, Maybe her mind will changed and she decide to leave the first gentleman Mike Arroyo and make you her legal husband man, ohh what the hell, hehehehe if that will happen, you can now dictate what Gloria should do for our country. HAHAHAHAHA!!! And the worst part of it, everything will turn to chaos if you became the fist gentleman… hahaha sick!!!

Alright, man! Thanks for answering this shits, this space is all yours, invite, promote your band now…

Hahaha!!! Thank you so much brother Uldarico, thank you for supporting down from the wound, you’re the man!!! We hope to see you again soon. Keep on supporting all the underground pieces, to everyone thank you very much for the support keep it brutal and sick…


c/o Randyl Manglicmot
#92 Ladao St. Central
San Marcelino, Zambales
2207 Philippines

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