Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interviw with Einstein Chakras


By: Corix

Politically inspired punk rock band that you pinoy punx should check out! These guys will be releasing a full length this year 2004 to an indie label, a non puppet label! You should watch out for it!

NO BULLSHIT: -Hello Einstein Chakras, hows things goin’? are you all workin’, studyin’ into business or whatever, man?
Knop [vocals]: -Hi! This is Einsteinchakras, we're into whatever man.

NB: -For those who don’t know you, tell them about Einstein Chakras short biography.
Knop: -The elements of Einsteinchakras are; Knop, Prans , Nodie and Seedknee

NB: -Why Einstein Chakras? Are you a scientist punk? Would you like to tell some story behind it?
Knop: -Yes we are scientist punk, Einsteinchakras means synthesis of matter and ideas,it deals in our organic experiences, in short its a long story. man.

NB: -Who are the bands that made Einstein Chakras exist in the local scene?
Knop: -It is our choice to be where we are. But, if you mean our influences; it is the wuds, asin, toydolls, dk, sex pistols, ramones, clash, smiths and other protest and concious artist.

NB: -Your lyrics attacks politically, being a political band, what are the worst thing that you see in our government? Do you think our fucking government will listen by just singing those attacking message to them?
Knop: -Government in a whole is a self preserve puppet, and we don’t bother if they listen or not we sing for those who knows how to listen.

NB: -Are you guys practicing Marx’ doctrine? Do you think Marxism will work in the Philippines?
Knop: -The contribution of Marxist Leninist ideas for our emancipation is vital, it cannot be denied and as long as society remains, in exploiting the present and depriving its element in basic rights and needs the theory can never be obsolete. The importance of life and its prerequisites is where we stand, on the basis of now

NB: -Could you please tell us the difference of Marxism and Anarchism? Since Anarchist also deals Marxist doctrine?
Knop: -Why, but anyway. Marxist Leninist stands on the process of change. while anarchist wants it now, and why not. for, in the end its just the same.

NB: -Anti capitalism is the #1 ideals of the Marxist and Anarchist, how ‘bout the guitar and amp. That we are using, and the computer that we are using for communicating this interview right now, those are made by the capitalist, should we not to support them? Please tell us your opinion and views on it so that all people may find offensive.
Knop: -Technology is a product of mans intellect everyone must have access on it.

NB: -How ‘bout terrorism, is there any integral part of anarchist and communist theory and practice?
Knop: -No! There is none, terrorism has never been part of Ml and A. it is an old tactics of the capitalist class through wars and secret penetration for the accumulation of property.

NB: -Do you think if we rejects all forms of hierarchical authority, social and economic as well as political, do you think there will be no Alienation? There will be no selling “labor power” in return for a wage? Do you think all of us will be equal?
Knop: -of course

NB: -Is religion has a place for you? Or you’re a pinoi Hegelian radicals that are against Christianity?
Knop: -Nodie is a protestant Christian, Prans and Sid is a Catholic. I don’t believe in the concept of heaven and hell, it’s not fair within this situation of mankind

NB: -Who do you think is the best leader to run as president in this country? Why?
Knop: -Why?

NB: -What can you say about this people: Gloria Aroyo, Fernando Poe Jr., Raul Roco, Ping Lacson, Eddie Villanueva?
Knop: -.Ang lakas ng trip mo, ah

NB: -Alright, tell the readers about your up coming album.
Knop: -.Ngayong taon lalabas yon,

NB: -Big Thanx and more props to you, man! it’s your turn to say whatever you wanna say.
Knop: -Thank you and goodnight

For band info: knoptantra@yahoo.com

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