Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Andrew Parish of Morbid Souls/Cult Zine



PATRICK SCHROEDER: Andrew, hails my brother! How’s life in Ohio? Please tell the readers a little about yourself.

ANDREW PARRISH: Hails Patrick! Life in Ohio is ok, but I’d rather be south of the Mason-Dixon line in the winter! Too fucking cold here sometimes, and in the summer it gets really hot, but that’s the time I’m glad I’m from the north, where it’s not so damn hot all the time! But, really, I couldn’t live anywhere else. There’s always metal shows coming to town. A little about myself? Have you ever known me to say “a little”? You always get an earful when you talk to me, dude! I grew up here in Louisville, Ohio, where I still live and breathe, defiling this sick Christian town with my death metal mind. I’m what you might call “normal,” since I have a job that I don’t mind much, have a devoted girlfriend that I live with (I’m not married in the legal sense, since I don’t much believe in that, and I REFUSE to be married by a priest!), and pay my rent like any other sad bastard. However, I am metal elite, I unearth many underground acts, and I release fucking incredible bands that I find along the way. Thrash and death metal call my name the loudest, and these metals are the sort that get most of my attention. I’d say my favorite death/thrash bands right now include NunSlaughter (the GODLIEST band EVER!), Soulless, Cyst, The Crown, Sauron, Toxic Holocaust, Deathchain, Rammer, Vader, Exodus, Arghoslent, Rademassaker, and other bands like that. As for black metal, my tastes are mainly in the vein of Xasthur, older Emperor, Grand Belial’s Key, Blasphemy, Unholy Archangel, Destroyer 666, and the more death-like bands that exist today. Darkthrone is always solid, too. I can’t abide by the keyboards that used to be so damn popular in black metal. Keyboards, when used improperly (as they are most of the time), SUCK.

You began your journey into the underground with Metal Union Fanzine. What gave you the idea to start a ‘zine? Why did you stop it after two issues?

Metal Union Fanzine was the brainchild of myself and my good friend Wil Klotz. He’s a diehard, but doesn’t have the ambition to unearth bands like I do. He wanted to unify metalists, like I did (and still do to some extent), so we came up with the idea of the ‘zine. I did two unsuccessful issues, “unsuccessful” meaning that no one cared. Only the bands cared. Which, I guess, is the point. But I was receiving shit for promos, like fucking numetal bands and garbage like that. I was too high profile, and it had to stop, and I had to further delve into my true passions for oldschool death, thrash, and true black metal. Metal Union was a grand idea, but alas, many of these fucks are too lazy to unify. They sit on their ass and listen to their CDs and they never WORK at it! Wil helped me get the ‘zine off the ground, even financially, and for that I thank him. We did good work in our area, I think. More area metalists know about Metal Union than we think sometimes. People recall the name a lot. After two issues, a lot of stress, and a near nervous breakdown, I folded the ‘zine. After I got my head together, I formed CULT, which was to be the epitome of underground. No big-label reviews/interviews, no bullshit, you know? People are still finding out about it, even after I have released two issues (my fault, I don’t promote enough).

You now run Morbid Souls Music. What bands have you released so far? I know you have a few releases that are coming out this year. Please tell us about them.

I feel like a whore telling so many people about myself. Well, I’ll spread these verbal legs further, I guess. No harm in enjoying it if I’m gettin’ paid, right? HAHHAH!!! Yes, Morbid Souls Music is run by me and me alone. No one else helps me, which is why I’m slow sometimes. Oh well, it’s the underground, and people get their shit eventually, right? Anyhow, I’ve released quite a few DIY titles so far (and if you don’t know what DIY means – because I do come across people who do not – it means Do It Yourself), including Terminal Descent (killer technical death/thrash from Iowa), Blood Cult (black metal with a sense of humor – imagine that – from Illinois), Halomachine (my old band, death/thrash from Ohio), Chemikiller (awesome black thrash that fucking rips your face off, from Delaware), Rademassaker (oldschool death/grind in the Mortician/Autopsy/Pungent Stench style – just released a full-length on Redrum Records, which is run by Mortician!), and Killer Elite (a thrash metal band from the late eighties that I re-released). Coming up on the horizon is a CDR from Agony Divine (death/thrash from the good ol’ USA), a CDR from Nicatas Drumer (raging black metal from South Africa), a CDR from NightSpawn (incredible black thrash from the man behind Damnation Army/Rotten Minds, from Sweden), a professionally packaged CDR from Secrets She Kept (an incredible one-man black metal band from Florida), and a series of NunSlaughter tribute 7”s that will be told about later in this interview (since you asked, hahhah!). By the time this interview is out, the NightSpawn record will be done and out. All my releases are limited to 100, and it’s a money thing, not a “cult” thing. I just can’t afford to pay $2000 at a time to put out a release. If I did that, I’d have to put out bands that are known or in styles that sell so I wouldn’t lose my ass, and I don’t think anyone wants to see me do that. I would NEVER sell out. So, to keep things manageable and true, I do things small at first in order to establish my name, and keep big-money risk for later in the game. Most of the copies are traded to distros. Only a few are actually sold (more every release, though, which is great to see!).

We have talked in the past and you mentioned possibly releasing a NunSlaughter tribute. Is this still in your plans? Have you found any bands to be on it?

No possibly about it. It’s going to happen, and on several different 7” records. I was going to do a CD, and DGR gave me a great quote to do it, but a little vinyl at a time is a bit more affordable, and I wouldn’t have enough music for a full-length CD. Not enough bands followed through with their interest in the project and actually delivered music, which is up to them entirely. No hard feelings at all. It’s tough to organize something within a band, trust me, I know. But I’ve got like 9 songs or so right now (I can’t remember exactly) with the possibility of one on the way, so I decided to split them up over several 7” records instead. The first 7” will (at least this is what I have my heart set on) be on coke-bottle clear vinyl (which is clear, with a green tint, like an old Coca-Cola bottle), with a poster that has a picture of every NS release so far, and a green, tri-fold cover with black ink, to pay homage to the early days of demos (to give off an old photocopy feel, without actually being of too low of quality). Also, there will be an insert that will contain three of the oldest NunSlaughter interviews with ‘zines that Don of the Dead could dig up. This project has his approval, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be working on it. It’s taken me a long time to get everything into line, but it’s finally getting closer now. Bands that have submitted tracks include Toxic Holocaust, Church Bizarre, Victimizer, NightSpawn, Damnation Army, Rademassaker, Weeping Birth, Tjolgtjar, and the mighty Witchburner. I haven’t had word if Kratornas will be participating or not. Bruno has expressed interest, but nothing is set.

As if you were not busy enough with the label, you have started up another ‘zine called CULT. How many issues have you released? How would you say CULT is different from METAL UNION?.

Yes, CULT is indeed up and running, and yes, I’m sure busy these days. I’m a workaholic who knows it and knows what he can expect of himself. Although, sometimes I fail, and that’s acceptable, if you know that you will occasionally. I currently have two issues of the ‘zine out, which supports strictly underground metal, with a preference in taste of oldschool death, thrash, and some black metal. In issue 1 I had NunSlaughter, All That Is Evil/Spawn of Satan, Hellacaust, Secrets She Kept, Chemikiller, Blood Cult, Nicatas Drumer, and Nokturnel. Expect kickass cut and paste, oldschool shit! Bands flyers and ads are spread throughout, and show flyers also. Issue 2 contains interviews with Church Bizarre/Victimizer, Rammer, Honey For Christ, Toxic Holocaust, Rademassaker, and a few others which I seem to always forget for some reason when I’m put on the spot! Ah yes, I remember, the mighty Scepter, Buried God (who answered like half of my questions and called one of my questions dumb, hah hah, oh well), God Is Myth Records/Uvall, and Damnation Army/Rotten Minds. Issue 1 is $6 US / $7 World, due to the cost of photocopies and the price of postage. Sorry folks, no freebies here. I only trade ‘zines on a one-for-one basis, also. But you get like 50 pages. Issue two is a bit cheaper at $5 US / $6 World. That one’s about 40 pages. Coming up in CULT 3 will be a lot of thrash interviews, and I’m calling the issue CULT: THRASH ATTACK (which will also be the name of any subsequent ‘zines I do under the CULT banner), since it seems that I only care about thrashing, nasty metal these days. An interview with Cyst from Florida is already done, and I want to have Ghoul, Rammer, Soulless, Deathchain, and WMD in it before I’m done. Expect a ton of others, also. So, how is the ‘zine different from Metal Union? Well, for one, I don’t fuck with the bigger labels. Fuck ‘em, man. All they care about is using you. If you don’t interview ALL their fucking bands, they drop you from promo service, which always bites. I fuckin’ traded in as used 2/3 of the shit they sent me anyway. CULT supports real metal from the real scene. I was naïve when I started MU. I thought I could change the scene, and I thought the scene would listen. Well, there’s too many others talking for someone to listen to a visionary right now. Voices must fall silent first. Time will do that. My day will come. Anyhow, CULT supports ONLY oldschool death, thrash, raw vintage heavy metal, classic doom (Candlemass or early My Dying Bride style), and true black metal. I do NOT support anything that has to do with mainstream styles (they don’t give a fuck about underground metal so I don’t give a fuck about them), keyboard-oriented black metal, boring gothic metal, or most power metal (because most power metal seems wimpy to me, with a few exceptions). And stoner rock can get fucked. There’s only been one or two stoner bands I can stand. Before, in MU, I would review everything. Well, that sure wasted space I could’ve been using to support really good bands. I will never do that again. Also, in MU, I was afraid to rip on a band because they might be mad at me – well shit, after you hear your hundredth numetal CD or your bazillionth power metal ballad, you begin not to care. Anyone who does a ‘zine knows what I’m talking about.

Anyone who knows you or has seen your ‘zine knows that you’re a little obsessed with thrash metal (not that this is a bad thing). When did you first discover thrash? Who are some of your favorite thrash bands?

Jesus Christ, I’m going to have to type forever. Fuck you for asking me this question! I love so many thrash bands I could fill this goddamn ‘zine!!!! Hah hah hah!!!! Yeah, I wouldn’t say I’m a “little” obsessed with thrash, I’d say that I’m totally obsessed! Thrash was the first real metal that I listened to. I didn’t start with the classic heavy metal bands like most. I started on the radio, listening to the glam bands of the day, who I liked because of the heavy-sounding guitars. I listened to all those bands until I was about 10 or so. I began discovering the thrash greats soon, like Megadeth, Metallica, Overkill (who were my favorite band until I heard Slayer), Slayer, Exodus, Anthrax, etc. All the big ones. I descended into death metal when I was 11, with Death’s “Spiritual Healing”. This one warped my mind forever! Then came Samael “Blood Ritual” and Grave “Into the Grave”. Those are the three albums responsible for my tastes in death and black metal. If it ain’t late eighties or early nineties worship, most of the time I can’t stand it. But, back to discovering thrash, when I heard “Horrorscope” by Overkill, I knew my world had ended. I would buy Metal Maniacs with my allowance money and buy tapes (cheaper than records and CDs) and blow all my cash on metal and metal ONLY. To this day, I could save shitloads, but I spend on metal. Oh well. Pay to play. All time favorite thrash bands? Whew….. Well, how about I list favorite thrash bands and my favorite album of theirs, and I can narrow it down a bit – keep in mind I missed a lot of the underground movement of the 80s (well, all of it, actually, I’m fucking 23) and caught them on the way to the top. I’m now firmly entrenched in the scattered underground thrash scene that exists today, and I’m proud to be diehard! Here goes: Exodus – Bonded by Blood, Venom – Welcome to Hell, Agony – The First Defiance, Anthrax – Fistful of Metal, Metallica – Kill Em All, Megadeth – Killing Is My Business…, Slayer – Show No Mercy, Sodom – Code Red (yeah, fuck you, I like the new shit, so suck my dick) and Persecution Mania, Kreator – Pleasure to Kill, Sauron – Thrash Assault, NunSlaughter – Goat, Cyst – Concussion Symphony, The Crown – Deathrace King, Soulless – Agony’s Lament, NightSpawn – Release the Demons (is it gay that I love something I’m releasing?), Scepter – Fucking Metal Motherfuckers, Buried God – Dark Revelation, Spawn of Satan/Bloodsick – Split, and there’s more, but I can’t remember everything.

Are there any new thrash bands the underground needs to know about? In your opinion, what makes a good thrash metal band?

There sure as fuck are some bands that need told about. First off, we have Sauron from Michigan. Those fuckers are Sodom reincarnated. Good shit, totally rippin’. Cyst from Florida is good, like Bay Area thrash mixed with The Crown and Deicide. Deathchain from Finland kills, they’re on Dynamic Arts Records, so get it. Chemikiller, obviously, who will have an album out on Autopsy Kitchen Records, who are the purveyors of Canadian Assault ‘Zine also. There’s WMD from Ohio, Soulless from Ohio (YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS IF YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A THRASHER, get Agony’s Lament and you can die happy), Metalourd from Ohio (who aren’t really new), Rammer from Canada, Braindamage from Italy (who aren’t really new either), Diabolical from Sweden (who have sort of reinvented themselves as thrash), Damnation Army/NightSpawn from Sweden, and the biggest and baddest, Toxic Holocaust from Maryland. Terrorama from Sweden is good, and so is Criminally Insane from Pennsylvania, and Destructor from Cleveland (also not new). Toxic Holocaust puts out the most incredible thrash I’ve heard since I first heard Soulless or NunSlaughter. Find a copy of the LP, and you had better get it on vinyl you sluts! So, what makes all of these bands killer, you ask? First off, they’re not very slow, because you have to be FAST when you thrash. Also, very few blastbeats. I can’t stress that enough. Thrash has to be catchy. Blastbeats are, well, controlled noise. The riffs have to be good, the drumming has to be decently tight, and the attack has to be barbaric and brutal. And, thrash has to sound like it comes from the streets. That’s where it started, and where it must stay. Also, you’re going to need a decent sound on your record, or the music will fall flat. Just a fact of nature. I’m not a stickler for decent sound, but thrash HAS TO HAVE it. It doesn’t have to be totally slick, but it has to sound decent.

In your opinion, what is the best and worst thing about the underground today?

Oh shit, not this question. This is like Chinese torture to someone like me, man! Did you ever think when you were creating this question that you would be mentally killing someone? I answered this once before in Painful Reality 1, and I dreaded ever seeing it again. My doom is upon me! Well, to answer seriously, I would have to say that the best thing would be the alliances that I make. I ran into Victor from Sauron at the Exodus show in Cleveland recently, and that was wild, since we didn’t know who each other was until the last minute after Exodus had finished! That was great to meet an underground rager in the flesh! Thrash assault you motherfucker! The worst thing – postage, fuck postage. Anyone who does this shit knows what I mean. And stamps are going to increase again after President Bush’s ban on postage increases expires. That was the one great thing the man ever did. He stopped the rape and pillage of my wallet for a few years! Good things never last.

I remember a few years back Ohio had a huge brutal death/grindcore scene. Is there still a killer scene today? Who are some of Ohio’s best bands?

Well, I tell you what, I don’t know if the scene was ever huge, and since I only started uncovering the locals in 1996 or so, I can’t tell you much about the early ‘90s. I do know that the death metal scene was big here, and to a more limited extent, the grind scene. You had Hemdale, Embalmer, Gutted, Descendent, Decrepit, Bloodsick, and others. Right now the scene is stronger than ever! Lots of death and thrash metal, and some black metal. As far as good death metal bands go, we’ve got the best of all: NUNSLAUGHTER. NunSlaughter IS death metal. You will never find a better band, no matter how hard you try. Don and Jim are both very nice people, and I enjoy seeing them in Cleveland when I get up that way. Another great band is SOULLESS. Soulless’s brand of ripping thrash metal mixed with early nineties Swedish death is the fucking best! Total attack. Other bands that rule are Weapons of Mass Destruction, Enthrall, Pummelhog, Drogheda, Metalourd, Destructor, Breaker, AfterShok, RU Deadly, Junkbone (somewhat alternative/doom, but are fucking great!), Black Trinity, Riphead, Manticore, the mighty Blood Coven, and some lesser bands are Spade Shovel Atrophy, Apadravya, Shotgun Sodomy, Odious Sanction, LOUD, Sons of Belial, Infernal Harvest, and more appear all the time. I’m sure I’ve forgotten one or two. The only fucking thing is that hardly any of these guys are involved in the underground. Lots of the guys from Cleveland are, but most of the guys from Akron and Canton don’t know shit about their roots or what they need to be promoting. I hate to say it, but it’s true. I try to educate when possible.

Ok bro, I am out of questions. Thanks a lot for doing this interview. Do you have any final comments?

I always have something more to say! Thanks to you Patrick, as always, for your unquestionable loyalty to true metal. And thanks to the mighty No Bullshit ‘zine for putting this interview in its pages. Look out for releases from Agony Divine, Nicatas Drumer, NightSpawn, Secrets She Kept, and the NunSlaughter tribute. Fuck yeah! It’s gonna be a good year. You can get in touch with me at CULT/MORBID SOULS, c/o Andrew Parrish, PO Box 204, Louisville OH 44641, USA or email me at metalunionzine@neo.rr.com. Any thrashers, get hold of me! Oldschool death freaks, get in touch! I appreciate every letter or order that I get! I must keep the plague spreading. Also, if you want a free distro list of what Morbid Souls Music has in stock, write and I’ll send it. Once more, I appreciate the interview. Hails to the thrash underground, hails to the death metal underground, and die in fucking pain.

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