Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Interview with Beltane


Interviewed by: Fonda

Xanataph - Lead Guitar & Vocals
Baphgirl - Bass & Vocals

with contributers:-
Aradia Rosa Wolfe - Female Vocals
Dyrkyn - Primary Drum Source
Ashyr - Additional Sampled Drumbeats

This Black metal band started early 1994 and is residing from New Zealand. And Xanataph gave me the opportunity to interview him. So here’s how it went:

Hails Beltane! What’s new with the band? Upcoming gigs, New EP/ demo release, etc?
Greetings! Since our tour in August we're taking a break from the live work for a bit because Baphgirl has recently given birth to our first child. Once we get a routine sorted we'll be back playing lots ov shows, most likely from January onwards.

On the recording side though, things are powering along as usual. We did Seasonal Recordings on the Winter Solstice & the Spring Equinox. Together with a selected cover that we'll record on the High Spring this year these recordings will make up our next full length album. This will be a sort ov follow on from JERA & probably be entitled "JERA II", but that is not absolute yet. After this we'll release a few Seasonal Recordings as self contained E.Ps then do another album.

Hey, congratulations on your first baby man! And on Beltane’s upcoming release as well. Since early 90’s Beltane is kicking the Metal scene. Did you expect Beltane will last this long? I notice that you had a lot of line-up changes, how did you manage to push through?
When I started Beltane I was already playing in a nationally well known death/thrash band at the time, Daemon & also in a very popular band in Nelson called Feordorsidenec which was a kinda cross between psychadelic metal & grunge! So Beltane was basically formed to be a side project simply playing cliched Black Metal. Over time the other bands fell by the wayside because they were too reliant on other members, especially drummers. I originally conceived Beltane as a solo project, then quickly expanded it into a three piece lineup (that recorded the first release 'Rehearsal April 5 1995'). That's basically how Beltane has survived this long & can basically survive anything, including my own death if we manage to pass the project & lore surrounding it onto our son when he comes ov age. Members have come & gone but since Beltane is so 'Xana-centric' it really doesn't matter that much, but it makes it interesting working with different people some ov whom have gone then come back for a while like Dyrkyn. With the core lineup now just being Baphgirl & Myself, Beltane has now achieved something that can be considered a stable lineup.

We just hope for the best for Beltane! About your music, were there any changes in Beltane’s music in every EP/Demo releases? How about your favorite song you guys made?
I think there is a certain essence that always stays the same from release to release but other things change radically so there is a marked difference from release to release, even with the Seasonal Recordings which are only three months apart from one another. Things that change are ov course, the members but also the recording techniques change to a greater or lesser degree on every recording. Also especially with the Seasonal Recordings the circumstances ov our lives change & this makes itself evident on the songs & the recordings I think.

As far as my favourite song, I write a lot ov songs, which ov course is necessary to keep up our release schedule. I think this is one ov the reasons that makes us superior to the majority ov the bands out there. So to pick a favourite...hmmm currently it's 'Questions Invoking Victory' which is one I'm very pleased with both production wise & lyrically that's gonna be on the new album. But it's pretty hard to pick an all-time fave!!

Well, I am looking forward in checking out that song in your new album! The video “Emily” tell us something about it. Who is Emily? Hmm…
That video is like a document ov the transition period between Kvathairein being on bass guitar & Baphgirl taking over on that instrument from him. So they both feature in the video. The footage with Kvath was filmed at Suicide Drive in Nelson on the Summer Solstice '06 & the main guitar & bass parts were also recorded as this was happening. So it's not actually miming in the parts with me & Kvath - what you see is actually what you're hearing! The footage with Baphgirl (the green tinted shots) was taken at Yaza Cafe in Nelson & the first show with her on bass. The girl in the cemetery is our friend, Visceral. The song itself is the only song Beltane has done that's based on a movie I've seen, which was 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose', so that's who Emily is. But I expanded on the concept to push my agenda ov communicating to people the idea that secularisation is the new christianity.

I knew it, Emily from Emily Rose! Hehe, nice doc vid it is. Who is the band Beltane wishes to perform with? How about metal band you think is a total joke?
I don't really care who it is, as long as it's a big show! That's one thing we've not managed to crack very well over here recently, getting support slots for large overseas acts. I did open for Pantera with Daemon in 2001 & that was really cool, even though I don't particularly like them. Beltane played with Impaled Nazarene in 1999 which was a much smaller show, but more fun perhaps cause I like I.N. & my bloodlines come from Suomi.

Our approach is different from most bands. We have no illusions ov that 'big break' being offered to us, so we are concentrating on getting a successful system going ourselves in regards to doing shows, getting the releases out there & actually making a living off what we do. Most people think that's impossible but we're not that far away from it at all. That's the advantage ov having a two piece lineup!
As far as joke metal bands, there are too many that way I think to list here. As a 'lifer' Satanist who is truly committed to this belief system, I have grown very fussy over lyrical content in bands & what their members are into. So basically I consider all bands a joke that use Satanic concepts in their lyrics & artwork but are not actually Satanists. Especially ones that promote the christian style devil fairytale stories! I consider them useless to Satanism, doing it more damage than good & infact doing the christians a favour by helping to sustain their obsolete concept ov duality.
While on the subject what's a joke, there is a website in NZ called something like metalnerds.com (I won't put their real address as they certainly deserve no publicity except a good trashing!). They think they are some kind ov hub ov the metal community in NZ, but really they are a small group with big mouths spurting nothing but shite! The people that go to their site would be a tiny fraction ov the people that look at our myspace so they really don't matter much at all except for pissing me off everytime I am exposed to their site when someone else looks at it because, for some fucked up reason they have chosen to minimise & 'dis' everything we do.

Hmm… I can sense your despotism tone, but I do agree with you. Xanataph, since you are the founder of Beltane, do you usually have the authority in the decision-making when it comes in composing a song?
Yes, I am a total dictatorial megalomaniac.

Ahahaha, a straight-forward answer! Beltane have contributors like Aradia, Dyrkyn and Ashyr. Do they have plans to be permanent for Beltane? Or do they have other bands as well?
Never say never. But I doubt Dyrkyn will be having much to do with Beltane in the future, aside from samples ov his drumming being used. With Aradia though I would like to see taking a more complete role in future times. We live in the same region as her so this is quite possible. She might even become the rhythm guitarist as well as doing some vocals. Ashyr is an old friend ov mine that played in the last lineup ov Daemon. There is going to be two tracks on the new album that feature his drumming. These tracks are derived from samples we did at a jam that happened in the Asphyx Chamber when we were down in Nelson earlier in the year. He would like to join as drummer for the band but this is a little impractical at present since he's in Nelson, we're in the Manawatu (which are on two different islands) & he doesn't have his own kit! While on the subject ov contributors, we are very interested in working with more musicians from all over the world, particularly drummers as it's really easy for them to record themselves playing & send it to us to sample into new songs. But also other players as well. If you're reading this and would like to be a contributing member send us a message. It's not a big commitment ov time & effort & will get you a little more publicity!

So NBzine readers out there, you are invited to contribute in Beltane’s music! Change topic, how about certain rituals before performing? Are you a “pay to play” band?
Usually we don't get much time between soundcheck & shows to run off to a cemetery & conduct anything specific so I guess the 'ritual' could be considered that process: Travel, soundcheck, dinner, show! Sometimes I get Baphgirl to give me a few lashes across the back with my Cat-o-nine-tails, which is a very nasty one, before we go on. That puts me in a suitable headspace & gets the blood pumping!
At Seasonal Recordings though we DO have full-blown Satanic Rituals at whatever location we're recording at. This is one ov the elements that makes our recordings have more energy & essence than other bands.
We will NEVER be a pay to play band & this time I mean never, unless you count it when occasionally the door take from a gig doesn't quite cover the expenses, but that is not pay to play, that is making a loss on a show. Pay to play is guaranteed to be a loss & we're not into that.

Well said! Horns up! Describe Beltane through a painting. How do you want to leave this fucking planet?
It's a mixture ov fine classical art & chaotic modern style stuff. Oh & plenty ov Geiger inspired imagery. Lots ov black & red, but also some nice iridescent green. Maybe even a little bit ov fluoro type colours too.
I want to die ov old age really which is kind ov a boring answer. If you had asked me this 10 years ago the answer would have been radically different & probably have been very warrior, die with your boots on styles. Last year around this time I was obsessed with the movie 'Death Tunnel' & had fantasies ov dying ov Consumption. There is evidence ov that on the song '*Qvick Rode 2 Infinity*' on our 'Her Spring Eyes' release. I believe you answered of dying of old age since you are a father now…=) and I better check that movie. If you can dedicate your song to the notorious Pope, what will it be and why?
Hehehe! Again I have to mention 'Questions Invoking Victory', but then again '666 Anno Sathannas' & '2015 S.P.I.K.Y' would be just as appropriate! If it was to be a cover, ov course it would be 'Hang the Pope' by Nuclear Assault. Ahahah, damn the rich Pope! How do you think the world will end? The worst religion?
I don't think the world is going to end proper until the Sun begins to supernova & expands absorbing Mercury, Venus, The Earth etc. However I feel the current 'order' is going to end within our lifetimes or the lifetimes ov our children. This will be a good thing, the end ov christianity & these so called 'New World Order' types. Yes, there will be a New World Order, but it will not be the total dominance ov these horrible people. It will be a new age of TRUE FREEDOM!! So obviously then I think christianity is the worst religion ever, but also any other religion that has similar elements to it, designed to enslave & control. Which most larger organised religions do ov course. I think that we do not have to worry about christianity as much as what's replacing it nowadays, this secularisation ov christianity which is prevalent as such things like 'Political Correctness'; the advent ov consumerism; the censored, government controlled crap spewed at us from the television networks & ov course this totally bogus 'War on Terror' which is nothing more than an excuse to limit personal liberty. Fuck religion, I agree. What do we expect from Beltane in the future?
You will certainly see the continuation ov our Seasonal Recordings/Releases. We are now in year three ov these & this year's (southern) Summer Solstice will mark then start ov year four. We have had many detractors in NZ saying that this will not last more than a couple ov releases & even certain ex-members have not believed in it, but yet as ov today we have done 12 Seasonal recordings that have been released as eight EPs, one album & one new album release imminent! Like I said earlier we'll resume our live shows in NZ around January...so anyone from NZ that would like us to play at a show they're promoting should contact us now & make their offer. Ov course we're not just sitting back & waiting for people to ask, most ov the shows we do next year will be ones that we'll be promoting ourselves. Any plans touring across the globe? Especially in Asian countries?
We'll go anywhere where people want us, that means just like NZ shows if someone wanted us to play somewhere, they could contact us & make an offer. If it's realistic we'll do it. Once we get things running smoothly in NZ & have a build-up ov funds we'll look at orgainising our own stuff offshore. Most likely that will be in Australia first, where I have a good friend that can help us to get this happening.

That’s about it! Thanks for the time! Your last words for our sick readers and bloody listeners of Beltane.
Thanx for the interview, there were some interesting Q's which made it fun to answer!! I wish you well for your 'Zine & other endeavours!!!
Don't forget to go to our Myspace site, that is our center ov online operations now. www.myspace.com/darkgodbeltane
We still have an old school website too.

There maybe some other 'beltanes' out there, but these are impostors. We are certainly the original Black Metal band to use the name Beltane. The proof is simply in our first demo tape...it's entitled "Rehearsal April 5 1995" cause that's the day it was recorded. I created Beltane while Euronymous still was alive! Also if you listen to the tracks on our myspace & like them, do buy a C.D. & support us! You can purchase them with a credit card or paypal account right from our Myspace or Website. Or contact us if you would like to purchase by some other method such as posting cash. We are also offering people the chance to sell our CD's online for us for zero cost, fuck all effort & excellent commission. If you are interested in doing this contact us for the details.



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